Who even talks like that anymore? Or even knows the teaching behind it?
That was said back in 1941 in London England during the bombings. The idea of the natural man was self-centered man opposed to God. Today self-centeredness kind of considered a virtue. Living or doing in a life to better others is frowned upon. Granted in 1941 there was great evil spreading across the planet through political ideologies turned evil. And that selfish desires of a few paid a big price for millions of people.
There was also this idea among Christian folk to live for God and pick up the challenge to share his love with others. Today that seems to be out of vogue as well.
I was impressed with that message to actually go to Africa where today you know viruses spread like crazy. It seems insane but even today there's thousands and maybe even millions of people were dying under the wave of Islamic movement as it moves south. And I was there sharing my faith we were focused on medical clinic, school, and places of worship in the villages. A far cry from the insane ideologies that are either political or religious that are killing people today.
Yeah who talks about Christ centered love today? Keep walk
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