Scott Douglas from runners world reports Why Exercise Helps with Depression Older People. He writes, "by some estimates, As many as 20% of older Americans report some level of depression, compared to about 10% for overall population. I have read studies as I have reported of 25% of Americans are clinically depressed at age 63 and often going to living with depression as they age." The study is for Douglas reported on have to do with becoming an aerobic runner after 16 weeks. Does aerobic exercise help us to raise our tryptophan levels which increase our serotonin output which improve our depressions.
We know that aerobic exercise can prove mild depression. People can experience a runners high. Since we have known this we have learned things that reproduce dopamine and serotonin in our brains. As we age our ability to make these transmitters decreases. This could be one of the reasons why depression becomes a bigger factor as we are older. By increasing our exercise we can improve our bodies ability to manufacture the transmitters that we need.
The participants in the study became aerobic and runners who had the ability to run at a pace where they could talk while they ran. In practical terms the Cooper aerobic center has demonstrated that you can do this with aerobic walking. At their website or in my pages there is a walking schedule that you can do it in 12 weeks to get yourself aerobically walking. As always get your doctors input and know your body.
Several years ago I read the big difference short walks do for people or older. Moving is always good.
Mr. Douglas report was not clear enough on the one hour workouts in the test, so we'll have to keep in mind this type of study and how it helps us.
I consistently shared aerobic, strength training, and flexibility are all areas are physical fitness that really improve our health. In older people we can pick up running, walking, biking, swimming all which help us become more aerobic. We can work around the house, yard do strength training at least twice a week and continued to add muscle to our bodies into our 90s. We can do yoga all kinds of exercise programs where body moves, stretching to improve our flexibility. Having a balance ID on these types of physical exercise Will help us to handle our aging a whole lot better. As more and more research comes out I believe these activities will also help for mental health.
If your depression hangs around for more than two weeks, or you lose hope, or make plans of suicide your body is telling you need to go see a doctor and put a psychiatrist on your medical team and get a mental health check up. Depression is as common as being treated for heart, cancer, and diabetes. You're not alone and it's very common experience awful as it is. Getting treated and working at it is worth the loss of pain of it. Keep walking
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