Sunday, August 10, 2014

Aging can be hard for big men

 I talked about before how aging brings depression. Researchers have pointed out that 25% of us become clinically depressed by 63. That does correspond with the time that for many of us the effects of aging seemed to kick in. I read where we could be on two tracks of health. The unhealthy track of health which includes people who are overweight, sedimentary, smokers, heavy drinkers of alcohol or have already encountered diseases such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes. It is very possible by our early 60s we could be in poor health. Others who don't have heart disease, cancer, diabetes or other factors such as weight, smoking, actively exercise, practice good diet can be on a track where they are very healthy until their late 70s or 80s. 
If this is the case then depression could result from poor health. There is it would seem another factor, the onset of mental illness. If a person has had a lifelong struggle with mental illness such as depression, mood disorders, schizophrenia, drug and alcohol abuse, Post dramatic stress depression could be part of a life. 
I am interested in how aging effects are well-being. Another time I'd like to look at what we think and believe and how that affects our State of depression as we age. 
In my mind I see three different man. Every one of them as they got older went into decline. The actually how different believes and probably encountered three different problems. 
When it comes to writing, Ernest Hemingway has few equals. His real-life parallel his fictional writing. In many ways it was
almost auto biographical. He was a man's man, he Love to drink, Love many women, and was constantly on some kind of adventure. He stayed involved in the most dangerous times in his life. There were adventures of hunting and fishing as a child in Michigan. He fought in World War I before America got involved. After the war he was engaged with the most dynamic personalities of this time. He went to Africa and face many dangers. He got involved in the Spanish Civil War and later and World War II. He then becomes a legend in the Caribbean always living life on the edge. 
In his late 50s and 60s, we see his decline. He finds it harder to finish writing projects and he hates getting older. What he believe about himself, his world I think has a lot to do with his inability to cope with aging. So he decides to kill him self somewhat in the way in which you live. 
Theodore Roosevelt has the same robust feel about life as Hemingway did. He is more optimistic and enthusiastic about what can be done about things. His life was taking on one challenge after another. He liked physical things such as boxing, riding, and adventures. He took on the crime bosses of New York and updated the Police Department and fought corruption. He personally got involved in the Spanish-American war and was part of a real battle. As president he took on monopolies and lead in conservation by setting aside lands for public use. 
After he was done with the presidency I believed he had a hard time with the more challenges.  He takes and adventure to Panama and 55 and suffers a Health problem which he never really recovered. Liked Hemingway he puts on weight. It seems to me that he suffered depression. 
My third man who declined in age was DL Moody. He like Billy Graham was a
famous evangelist of this time. It was a self educated man and spoke to millions of people. He established many Bible institutes and colleges encourage hundredths to go into the mission field. It was a man of great energy and robust in his approach to life. His philosophy and thinking was different then Hemingway and Roosevelt. In a similar way he was a big man like they were and when you look at his pictures you can see a physical decline in the last few years of his life. One can argue whether or not he was depressed but he's certainly showed less vitality. He was dead by 62 or 63. 
These men were bigger then life. What they accomplished was remarkable. But all three maybe partly due to the weight they put on emotionally declined as they age early. 

Does this happen to people today? I think so. I think it is important for us to look at how are we doing with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. When are in our 50s we cannot put off seeing the doctor? And when we are on our 60s it is time to take care of her emotional needs. Who cares what other people think? Let us take the initiative to take care of our emotional health. And maybe we can walk longer then Hemingway, Roosevelt, and Moody. Keep walking

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