Saturday, July 26, 2014

Did Lincoln take a vacation?

Vacations and presidents seems to be a hot topic today. I was thinking "How many days of vacation did Abraham Lincoln take? In movies there were social events, we know that Mary Todd Lincoln played hostess to parties in the White House. We know from history that he went to a play in which he was assassinated. I googled that question and try to couple search engines but I didn't find any answers. Did the his presidency think of holidays like we do today? Certainly the the common working man, farmer had a few vacation days back in the 19 century. Writers like Mark Twain and scholars took oversea trips and travels. The wealthy could afford time off.
But it almost seems inappropriate think that Abraham Lincoln took vacation days. We know little bit about Roosevelt where he went to Hyde Park. But he would be used to holidays coming from an aristocratic background. That would be interesting to see how many days presidents took time off in their service. I think it would be hard to imagine John Adams taking a day off.
The crisis of the Civil War I am sure preventing Abraham Lincoln from taking too many advantages of his office. The crisis itself gave Abraham Lincoln's legacy. We seem to remember presidents who had hard times to deal with and their legacy seems to be result of that. A president's term of office is such a short time in his life. He or she would have to pay the price of that service.
Maybe the country had different standard of time off in Lincoln's day. Maybe we should take a look at their way of living to meet the hard times in our own time.
I will keep looking for that answer of his vacation days, but if you know something let me know. Keep walking

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