Saturday, February 22, 2014

No gimmicks, what stops us?

This is the second part response to what I wrote about last time. I was thinking about other things that challenges and prevent us from engaging in a more healthy lifestyle. I read an article in the New York Times Weight Gain in Older Women by Paula Spahn and she shares how women put on weight and the difficulty they have been taking off. It seems if women are healthy they have nearly a 20 pack percent greater chance of living to age 85 and having the ability to walk. As people encounter diseases their chance of walking independently decreases. Having heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and being obese are all factors in decreasing the possibility that you can be walking around when you're 85.
Read another article from Health Day where people who are overweight only sweat one hour a year for woman and three hours if your man. It raises the question what prevents people from working up a sweat getting 30 minutes of walking. If you are heavy like me you will sweat with just walking. Barb has a harder time working up a sweat. What prevents people from exercise and movement where they get more active.
It seems as if when we have health challenges it's a lot harder to put into our life the practices that we need to improve our health. I know it is a little more challenging than what people will admit to. If people who are overweight are people who are inclined to move from one location to the next where there setting. How can we change some of that. How can we put different kind of activities in our life where were moving around. It seems like there's a lot of people who have difficulty in trying to do this.
I have given this some thought now that I'm retired, and I am looking at ways where I can bring movement into my life. Helping out with some of the shores around the house that's it that's an idea that for me is a challenge. I can hear my kids laughing now. Getting up and doing different exercises when I'm working in the day on the computer is a good idea. I can do strength movements with my body throughout the day and at the end of the day I can have a full body workout by just taking small exercise breaks while working. I can go for a 10 minute walks throughout the day or even 20 minute walks. I can do some woodworking in my shop downstairs. I can use my stairs all around my house.
Shopping visiting people, getting out and moving around and when spring comes I'm planning to do some more bike riding. Using my bike to visit people in the nursing home and hospital. We need to find time to get in an hour or two of walking and moving.  When working on the computer, reading or watching TV at night are there things we can do to move a little for our health? 
My wife and I have noticed that if we plan to be walking when we are older it really does have to start every day now. 

There are a lot of things that I hinder us. We might have an injury, right now I have injury from a fall that hurts a lot. With my CP I have to give it time to heal. So it's a pain in the neck . So you know sometimes we get sick and it might take a week or two to recover from an illness. There's a lot of things that seem to interfere with our pursuit of activity. So I think we have to have the mindset to be able to reenter ourselves back into a routine of walking and doing things for fitness, stretching, and aerobics after we have these other times where we're having put down for a while. getting back into it isn't always easy. 
Next time I will go into some of things we are facing and the changes we have to make happen to move forward. Keep walking

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