Saturday, January 25, 2014

What AA was in the beginning...

Me I am working on my problem, but isolation and denial are not
part of the solution, being accountable, successful steps, and support are. 
Bob Smith one of the founder’s of Alcoholic Anonymous said the 12 steps was based on the study of the Good Book. Looking at their ideas is nothing like the 12 steps of today. Over the years the ideas have become more vague and humanistic as the government has taken over the program. The personal God of the Bible has become a higher power that could be anything or nothing.
Bob Smith’s ideas were:
·       Accountability
·       Qualified sponsor
·       Small group discipleship group
Isolation made the sin worse and strengthened the temptation.  “Dietrich Bonheoffer emphasizes the dangers of isolation: “Sin demands to have a man by himself. It withdraws him from the community. The more isolated a person is, the more destructive will be the power of sin over him.”  
Here is a good thought to Facebook - You’ve heard the commercial: “Friends don’t let friends drink and drive. I have a new one: “Friends don’t let friends shipwreck their lives because of sin.” Robert Gallaty with

We all have sin so discernment isn’t judging. We are just coming to terms with sin’s destructive powers. Alcoholism, Obesity, Sexual behavior outside the marriage all lead to harmful consequences. Having personal accountability, successful strategy, and support are pretty good ideas. Keep waalking

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