Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"He gives sleep to the one He loves." some thoughts on insomnea

"He gives sleep to the one He loves." (Ps. 127:2b) The other day I posted a blog from Mart Dehahn who had the most fantastic quote. "When I first heard a friend talk about the idea that a relationship with Jesus boils down to a chance to live loved, I was hooked."  Having a chance to live a life loved by God through it all is pretty amazing. Paul shares a similar truth in Eph. 1:6 NKJV : "to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He has made us accepted in the Beloved." The truth and experience of being loved and accepted is at the heart of all care and relationships. We may have feelings about God of rejection and separation, but they can be gone as we trust Him as our Savior. Then the adventure begins. 
Back to Ps. 127:2b "He gives sleep to the one He loves." Being loved and forgiven are ideas that lend to a good night sleep. But we may still find it hard to sleep. There could be a thousand reasons why but for many of us it is a result of getting older. In the Huffing Post today there was a blog that reported a study in the UK that indicated poor sleep may effect the immune system and cause cancer to grow. Yikes! Well, a breakdown in our immune system can cause a lot of bad things. Loss of sleep is something we can not ignore. A short term crisis is one thing but if it is habitual we may need help.
For me getting help to deal with panic attacks has really improved my sleep, getting physical therapy for a rotator cuff allowed me to sleep on my side as usual, and walking has reduced pain in my legs. My list goes on, but dealing with these things helped me to sleep through the night on most nights and go back to sleep.
Insomnia is not fun. I recall talking to a lady in the hospital who slept in a chair. She was 20 years older than me and her problems were more complicated. She told me she has began to have problems with dementia and was in the hospital for treatment. She was intelligent and delightful to talk to and her insight was remarkable. For the week I was there, I would get up at 5:00 am (not by choice) go get coffee and share the morning paper with her in conversation. Each day more night owls would join us and we had quite the group. Most we teachers, lawyers, with me being a the low end of the totem pole. We listened and shared our sleeping struggles and I learned a lot. One thing we did was ease our pain. Over time medicine and therapy open the door for me to improve my sleep. It takes effort and time so whatever the ailment give it a go. Sleep is a wonderful experience. Keep walking

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