Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stomach virus, no good - wrong kind of Bug

This past week I went through a bad case of intestinal virus that requires IV treatment and IV medicines to calm down my uncontrolled symptoms. I thought I was recovering then a second wave of illness hit. I used the medicines I was given plus I used breathing exercises to calm me down. It took over an hour but the breathing exercises helped. My anxiety was contributing to my building up symptoms again. The bug is still with me and it has been six days. We may come from different political and religious point of view, but I bet we all agree when our intestinal track goes hey wire the moments seem to last forever.

While in the hospital the new bed pans are a joke. I know we want to green and save plastic, but the bed pans are designed for smurfs. When one has the runs  it is inhumane.

There were times this week I almost fainted and I was very weak. It is a time where our health and fitness takes many steps backward. As soon as this passes I will use my Leslie Sansome CD’s to start to rehab. She has walks that are slow pace and are good to get the body moving again. Thank you Barb for helping me slow down my breathing and relax.

On a different note, but related to feeling like death was close by, I find stomach flu does that to me. I have a thought about getting ready for the next life.    

I was reading Charles Swindell’s The Greatest Life of All, chapter 5. He has a great study on Jesus conversation with Nicodemus. Nicodemus a scholar and ruler came to Jesus by night. He knew Jesus was a teacher and did marvelous works that could be ignored. They came from God. Most of his peers believed them to be of the devil. Nicodemus is mentioned three times in John and he   stands in contrast to the unbelief of his peers.

Nicodemus needed a change in his thinking similar to a high school student learning higher levels of math and physics and chemistry where the mind shifts from concrete to abstracts. For Nicodemus it was seeing the Messianic Kingdom in a spiritual way and not the accepted way of a kingdom overthrowing Roman rule. To be in the kingdom one would need a spiritual birth to enter the new dimension of heaven and the Messiah’s reign.

Being “born-again” is applied to using a new product, a new health care or it is just sarcastically frowned upon by many in our society.

We were made to live on this planet. But that is for such a short time. We need to get ready for a eternal life in heaven that is a whole different realm. We need to be born again. Read John 3:1-16 and remember the looking at the bronze snake on the pole that was the only way to be healed from the sin and rebellion occurring that brought a deadly illness is like today when we look back at the cross and put our faith is Jesus as our Savior.  When we do we are born-again.

Being born from above is by faith and it is something God does.

I hope you kept walking this last week, I will join you soon. Keep walking

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