Sunday, September 14, 2014

Bullying get involved, check out

When I think of this child who was humiliated, the child will have unexplained emotions, hard to understand and even hurtful as a result. All because some kids chose to harm this kid in a disgraceful way. In my own life I am talking about things that happened over 50 years ago. Nobody should have to go through that. You'll be glad to know that in almost 40 years of working with people where there has been hundreds of times I have dealt with bullies. Yes, who I am has something to do with my response but, I've actually been pretty good with protecting the ones who were bullied and help bring the bullies to some sense of responsibility for their actions.
I know the call of action will be for society to deal with this. Each one of us can be a priest, lawyer, or average guy. We can look at the hurt person from bullies and thugs. What is our response when this happening do we look at it and see what we can do or do we pass by. The hurt has already taken place, what do we do? Do we pass by thinking somebody else has to do something or do we take the risk and see what we can do? Parents, Is your kid a bully or is your kid getting bullied? What is immature and what is crossing line. Do you see it? You have to get into your kids life to know. Either side of this issue you have to let your child know that you're going to help them get to the bottom of this. Either helping them to stop the behavior and become responsible for it or you were there to help them to deal with the bully and recover from it. If you as a parent do not get involved how can the law and society help you. You want real change and there is support out there to get it. 
The earlier we intervened the more sense it makes when we are working on immature actions rather than criminal behavior. In both cases there are consequences and lessons to be learned. Bully behavior has its motivation gaining power and control over others. In Calvin and Hobbes it was extortion of $.25. Moe always got a quarter. Calvin retreated into his imaginary world where he would defeat Moe in legendary battles. Calvin had his way of fighting back. In Calvin's world's teacher was part of the bullying process. She too would fall prey to to Calvin’s imagination. I think it was important Calvin fought back. The comic genius of the comic strip we owe because of the subject of bullying. 
I just read an article on neglect affecting 4/5 preschoolers. 
Is the most common form of abuse. But it is the opposite that we have to do when it comes to bullying. We have to get involved on a personal basis. We have to know our child's life or in my case, my grandchildren's life. has resources to understand this problem. Explore the website. The more of us who choose to be a good Samaritan and choose not to be a bystander we will be helpful in stoping bullying. A bully will use a tactic an abuser uses, if you tell your parents I won't beat them up too. When I was a kid and kids used that line on me, I had to laugh because my silence protected the bully. If my dad knew he would go over and confront the parents. And when I say confront I am talking about the strongest terms. No I told the bullies I was protecting them and if they didn't believe me they could come meet my dad. There was always somebody in the crowd who met my dad or their parents knew my dad. And they would verify my story. 

But bullies may pose a threat to a family. And that is where others may be of assistance. Schools are much more aware bullying today. The police are more in tune with it. Single parents can find support with other single parents. Many more moms are banding together for collective strength and support. True enough there are people who will respond like the Levite and the priest in the story of the good Samaritan. Fear of getting involved they will pass on by. But there are unlikely hero's, people you know who will stand with you. Remember the risk is worth it, your child safety. Read the website and find out how to get support. Keep walking

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