Tuesday, May 14, 2019

weightloss and a kitchen safari

So far 13 lbs. This particular approach I am trying is early in the game. My attempt is an effort to exploere the question of why is it so hard to lose weight? Another question, Can a healthy weightloss occur when one is older? Walking with the fatman I have experienced alot of setbacks and failed attempts. In the last five weeks I have challenged my self to the task of weightloss. Another question I have asked myself is can I encourage others who can't lose weight. I do think it is hard.
When I look at the day's numbers being on track helps me to not wonder in a safari to kitchen that may bag me a couple of thousand of calories. It is really easy to put on the lbs. The app My Net Dairy is helping to have information of where I am at to help me shut done eating late at night.
Eat meal forces me to plan what I am eating. To think about the portion in regard to health has its own spin. I think too pull this off helps to have others give their thoughts, but then move on.
Besides the diet, I am still working on the fitness game. One switch I am working on is to change from a owl and do things more in the day. I think it will lend itself to move movement.
Getting to bed and knowing when to quit eating are two things I am learning to do. You may be thinking da! But actually losing weight is hard and each of us have our own battles. Mine just happen to be too many.
Another observation I have become aware of is if I have reacched my goal, exercise actually helps lose weight. Calories lost because of exercise is not to eat more but to help the weight to go down. This is actually a new concept in my experience. In the past I would have used exercise to eat more. What do you think? Keep walking

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