If you follow my posts on Facebook, you may have noticed that I post articles by Wayne Stiles. In Wayne's ministry he has encouraged me with his insights on the Bible and the connection to the Holy Land. He also shares many practical truths related to the life we live today. His perspective is upbeat and insightful. In the link below, he takes us to a place a little off the beaten path as far as tours go. Here we find the location of Bethsaida.
Jesus did a lot of miracles here and yet the people in this town rejected him. Three of the apostles come from this area. Wayne makes a point that we may have a past which is humble or a place where we experience failures. Those failures can have a way of defining you for a lot of years. On the other hand the Lord can use those failures and lead us to victories of a completely change life.
It is possible that the hometown doesn't see it. The changes may be seen by others, but in the hometown the ghost of the failures haunt us.
Sometimes for whatever reason people can hold the past against you and cannot move on. The catch is a lot of times it's relationships that are close to you. For the three apostles who lived in Bethsaida, they were able to move on.
I think sometimes we have to do the same thing. We cannot live in our past but we have to move on. Our relationship with the Lord is dynamic and personal and God is continually working in our lives.
The idea of borders in our lives is to limit negative people and experiences so that we can embrace healthy relationships and experiences. Our past may have taught us many things, such as sin teaching us the need for a Savior and learning from our errors a different way of going about something that is more beneficial, which is an aspect of practical holiness we need to embrace. We often think of holiness in a negative restrictive fashion; but holiness can be thought of as wholesome and beneficial. If you think of sins like murder, adultery, lying, stealing, coveting which leads to negative behaviors there has to be a better way to live. So we set up borders and move ahead embracing our life and potential without the negative shackles that may come from people who are small minded.
Certainly when you think of the apostles from Bethsaida they were young men who had the rest of their lives to live. The younger you apply this the better. If you're an old guy like me what you have in mind are the days, months, years that you have left. Grab a hold of this because each day is precious. Keep walking
Click the link for insight on common places people ate.
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