Sunday, January 1, 2017

Do you ever think about the afterlife, Earl? Learning from the funnies

I am glad these old birds are talking about the afterlife. Showing up to heaven in the buff would be difficult for many of us. My friend Jim Smith reminded me of the song title, “I Don’t Look Good Naked Anymore.” There could be thousand reasons why our bodies don't look as good as they used to. But even when we were younger it was a pretty good idea for us to wear clothes.
Have you ever watch the Discovery series, "Naked and Afraid?" The participants are covered with a blur around their genitals and breasts, their backsides are generally seen. Everybody that is on the show starves, losing a lot of weight and most of the women on the show find some sort of covering. I bring up the show because it shows a couple  reasons why we have clothes. 
We live in less than ideal situations. Clothes are our first level of defense or shelter. The layer that the clothes provide is our first home. We are protected from the weather, we are protected from our environment. Think of all the protection that your pair shoes does. When I go to the beach now I wear a shirt that protects me from the sun. I can easily swim and the shirt. I will actually wear hat or a bandanna. Clothes keep our heat in when it's cold and protects us from snow, sleet, ice, or rain. On the discovery show the participants have not of these protections. They are greatly limited without shoes. It restricts their movement and ability to gather food. Without the clothes they have to deal with the heat and the cold. The only thing that saves these people is the time restraints that they have to be in the wilderness. If they had to do it for year they would not survive.
Clothes also protect us and make us less vulnerable to attacks not in our favor. Truth is people have problems with people and clothes give a barrier of defense of the body and person. People of the past would speak of wrongdoing, sin, living in a fallen world. Clothes have purpose and our daily news backs this up.
In heaven we won’t have sin and harm, but we will have clothes. We will be ourselves and we will be recognized, but we will not be in our aged or sick bodies. Our new body suggest we will be prepared to live in heaven. We will be complete and mature and what the whole lot better than we ever did in this life. God will have many changes in store for us. How to be ready for our eternal experience is the trust Christ as our Savior and depend on Him to bring you home. That home will be very different from the one we have enjoyed on our blue planet. Keep walking 

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