On the net there is a lot of places where you can be encouraged. Today I am sharing a technique you can use praying to God. It is used to pray back the Scriptures. You take a scripture and personalize it as you pray back to God. Here we see an example of a Ephesians 5:8-10. Note to personal pronouns:
Dr. Ken Boa paraphrases “I was once darkness, but now I am light in the Lord. May I walk as a child of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), learning what is pleasing to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:8-10)
Reading Wayne styles today, he shares truth centered on Romans 8:31-34
It is quite possible in our lifetime to experience people who did not approve of us. There have been those who are not on our side. What ever our experience contrast that with God's unconditional love and acceptance. When we acknowledge our need for a Savior it is always an uplifting experience.
If there is a chance we are living on the blue side, we may be seeing too much negative. It is always a good idea to challenge negative thinking. Theologically we should be able to see from Romans 8:31 to 34 that God is going to see us through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. (Ps. 23) We live in a fallen world and bad things happen even to good people; but God is with us through these experiences.
(I have thought about in our weakness and frailty. We may not be able to see the truth of God’s care. People are cruel to each other and we may distort and bend things darkly. Then there are accidents, conditions and diseases that over take us. If we live long enough we are likely to effected by an aging brain. If you see me with a Sox hat or Cardinal hat you will know that dementia has got me. There is nothing wrong with these teams but if I am wearing their hats as my everyday hat, my brain has left the building.)
There is a certainty that we are in God’s hand through death and heaven. This life is not without its blessings and as such we challenge negative thinking of depression for it is not always true or absolute.
There may be some people against us; but if we rethink it we will find examples of people who are for us. We have experienced neglect; but if we look again we will notice them many people who took care on our behalf. We may be looking at somebody with the negative expression; but they at that moment may have gas. Our interpretation is always subject to our feelings. To be sure negative responses are real; but they are not always what they seem to be. An angry face my have just bit their tongue.
You can read many stories in the Bible of people who did horrid things. We can learn from them; but it is important not to personalize each and every one of them. Don't own up to every bad thing you read. It Is a good thing that we did not experience every bad thing. Taking our problems day to day is enough. Knowing that God loves us, forgives us, and is working in our life through the good and bad, He won't forsake us. These things are clearly seen in the Bible.
Challenge negative thinking and remember our thinking may be distorted because of disease or abuse, the truth about God will see us through even that. Keep walking
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