Thursday, November 24, 2016

Giving thanks at the end of a day, happy thanksgiving

I am thankful for several things. I finished writing a book 1 in my devotion series, walking with Jesus. Now comes the next step of publishing it. When you are basically unknown I think it won't be easy. But first I had to write it. More than the book I am really thankful for Barb. I am thankful for my mental and physical health. I am grateful for people who encouraged me not to give up but keep on "bodger on" as the Brits would say. I think it is a good philosophy, since life isn'y always easy.
I am thankful to Wayne, Styles, Irwin Lutzer, Leslie Leyland, Gene Getz for online ministry and encouragement.
I am thankful for returning to my ministry in Liberia. To actually be doing something that I trained for so many years is really something.
I am thankful for family and friends in very profound ways. Thankful for a home that is a true shelter.
I am thankful for two real good years of Cub baseball and actually seeing with my own eyes and ears winning a world series. Not even the Chicago sports writers could discourage me.
I am thankful for audio books, mysteries, and the enjoyment of reading for the fun of it.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. Especially times like this when I can sit back and take it in.
I am thankful for video phone chats with family, for texting watching baseball.
Tomorrow for many will be a great day. Some may be by themselves. The cool thing is we are never alone. To God day and night make no difference. He doesn't sleep. He is there and not silent.
I am keeping the movement up. Yesterday throughout the day I climbed stairs, one two flights at a time. Worked in tube resistance.  Today 1 did biking on my indoor recombant. The key now is to stay consistent with the activities. Keep walking

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