Sunday, November 20, 2016

Entering the shadows

Making a little progress. Working with 30 minute workouts to do at least three times a week. In fitness programs it is suggested to include activity that is fun like tennis, walking in golf, basketball, or a sport you like to play. Activity may be around the home like gardening, shores, housework. Hobbies like bird watching, fishing, hunting, photography can be done with movement involved.
So what can I do to challenge my self in strength, aerobics, balance and flexibility? I think it is time to enter the world full of shadows.
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows..."
Thanks Orson
No, I haven't gone post dramatic  election. No, I am actually talking about shadow boxing for fitness.
OK it might help with the elections work off a little steam on both sides.
There are plenty of workouts on line and they can be adapted for senior fitness. Adapting the workouts to fit being 64 and not 20. A 3 minute round may stop at a minute or 2 depending on what I need to do. Included in the round may be push-ups, crunches, squats, lunges, resistant with bands, weights, TRX. There can be a ton of variety. The actually boxing workout can include movements that help balance, flexibility and strength. Impact can be light or not at all to help joint health. The boxing part may give interest to work through the winter season. The routines can be done with my risk of falling.
If you are younger the workouts can include impact of a bag. Learning and practicing the punches will give power and speed. Real fighting will flatten the nose and ears. But as a workout there is a lot of real benefits. It also may be a good release of elation stress.
Any fitness program can be adapted to your fitness level and age. Follow doctor's advise and hour own body and you can't go wrong. Keep walking

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