Saturday, December 6, 2014

Making 12 days of Christmas work

The season is upon us. One of the things that has happened to Barb and I is our loved ones have their plans for the holidays too. Not everything can fit on the 25th. There are years when they can. 
In my sixties, I can change and be flexible. One thing I can do is destress the holidays. There are things I can control and things I can’t. One thing I can do is make plans to fit everybody's needs. Can’t make Christmas work, hey we have 12 to 3O days of Christmas to work it out. Celebrating on many days can be fun. 

Delegate the meal or meals. 
Enjoy putting the meal together.
Let the guys put the meal together and clean-up. Men love to grill and grilling in the winter is possible.
Order out
Plan a simple but unique meal.
Try an international recipe.
Kids can’t make it home, aw too bad. Plan a Christmas date. 
Practice 12 days of good sleep. Embrace each night. 
Put Christ into the season with music and listening the Christmas story. Bible Gateway has several audio bibles you can plug into. 
Along these lines, listen to audio book, nice break from the TV. Listen to radio shows.
Invite friends and those who would enjoy being with you. 
Simplify gift giving, give wanted gifts but narrow the selection. Share more how each friend and family member is a gift. 
Take the holidays as they come and fit it those who may be hurting. 
On a personal note, I am thankful for all the progress I have made overcoming depression, post traumatic stress and anxiety. I am as close to saying I feel healed as I can. I take my medications but they are being reduced. Having confidence to take on a panic attack if it arrises or face loss and depression is part of the recovery. I have felt very good for over two years now. 

It would not be the fat man walking if I can’t include walking.

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