Saturday, March 1, 2014

Commercials a good time to move - Lose 50 lbs in a year

Well searching the web today I came up with a couple different ideas I think you might find interesting. One of them this talking about moving while we watch TV. I have to admit that I don't do it enough or should do it more. Liz Vaccariello, writing for Reader's Digest shares how.
Well are you trying to prevent kidney stones going to health day if you have diet design help you're the lower your blood blood pressure what they call it the Dash diet, – dietary approaches stop hypertension it may also prevent kidney stones. Go to the following link for information.
"TV going to active time could be allowed if some of us could show as much as 50 pounds in one year! How about a few sit ups or push-ups during commercials? How about a 5 pound dumbbell lifting overhead 15 times with the charm for a 60s second break? If that seems like too much, at least, don't ever take a commercial sitting down. Use every commercial is a cutie get up and move move.
Try to stand and move as much as possible while you find yourself waiting. Depending on where you are, you could march in place, do a few laps around by your house, try a few stretches, or climb a flight of stairs." Tips from by Liz Vaccariello 
The idea here is that if we move throughout today even that a little bit more in the evening when we're inclined to be sitting watching. We are actually helping ourselves to lose weight and to be more healthier with our blood circulation moving and giving less time for us to be sedimentary. New research suggests even having the time of exercise may not be enough but finding ways to move throughout the day and actually be very healthy. So keep walking

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