Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Becki and Frisbee

Happy Birthday , Becki

I am very proud of you. You didn't have it easy and you hung in there. I really like doing stuff with you and I have many good memories of things we did together. I thought the train ride to Michigan on the Amtrak with the food car was cool. The ski trips with the youth groups was really a ski trip for you. I knew at that time skiing wasn't meant to be for me. I love it, but no balance for it. Our vacations together are a highlight for me. We will have more times down the road Lord willing. Our dates are special, considering all things we have grown to care and love each other. I wouldn't trade you for anyone.
I trust you and I think you are wise and have your mother's and I's back.
I could not imagine life with out Spencer, Addison, Donavan and Kendall. They are another reason why I walk and try to improve my health. Where else can you go and have all four gang up on me in nerf wars. I win except I have three darts stuck to my forhead, five stuck to my heart and the rest are flesh wounds.
Highland Park near by
I am looking forward to the Frisbee season. I'm going to use a walking stick this year to aid me in balance and right ankle. Doing the West Park and Channahan Courses I will walk two to three miles following the colorful orbs. I have strengthen my rotators cuff and my throws should be OK. I will take plenty of pictures this year and on vacation I will visit some courses. Frisbee golf will help me train and obtain a better general fitness.
If the spring is dry enough we may start this weekend. I have my grandsons golfing with me and it is a great game to give to your family.
Walking the courses is More up and down and therefore aerobic.
I have been cross training lately with a stationary bike and weight routine designed with multiple reps as I move from exercise to exercise. Working out has many ways to achieve aerobic conditioning.
How many of you frisbee golf, Let me know. Keep walking

1 comment:

  1. Justin Heffernan could give you some ideas on where some nice out of state F. Golf courses are. He has been golfing in most states/countries he has been to. He has planned many a trip over them. Have fun. I remember that course well.



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