Monday, April 11, 2011

forgiven by God in the momeent

Finding opportunity to walk can be easy. Going into the hospital everyday for treatment I have to be dropped off early at a near by coffee shop. I order a brewed coffee and breakfast cake and read and prepare for a day of therapy. About the time the office opens I take a nice morning stroll about 1 mile and arrive with a nice 17 to 20 minute walk. With my lungs full of the outside air and blood flowing from head to foot my body and soul are ready for the days activities. There is not alot of walking in the therapy so the morning walk does me good. Barb and I walked at Rock Run our 30 minute walk after supper and I helped with the evening's dishes. All movement counts. Combined fitness walking over 50 minutes. Our bodies love this. Have you ever feel like you blown it? Did or said things that hurt someone? Well I have recently. I didn't set out to hurt someone intentionally but did so anyway. I can't make amends or find forgiveness with this person right now. I know God can forgive and I know people can also, but, right now the other person is hurting and unable to forgive at the moment. The blessing of forgiveness and restored fellowship can never be taken for granted. Right now all I can do is ask God about it. "Take it to the Lord in prayer," the song goes. I hope soon I will be able to get right with this person. Talk about miracles! Walking with the Lord in the light where we are forgiven is talked about in 1 John 1:5-2:2. We can be forgiven by God in the moment. Keep walking!


  1. When I click on the email envelope above, it requires that I enter YOUR email address (which I don't know) in order to email you. Please help. Diane;
    ((I think you mean "fat but losing" :) ))
    Sat 4/16

  2. Bill,
    Please take a look at my Google survey:

    Diane Short


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