Saturday, April 30, 2011

windy day

A very windy day but springlike. Nice to see the flowers in the woods. Two songbirds were in hot pursuit of a red tail hawk. They manage to stay above the hawk together as the chased and attacked the bigger bird. It seemed obvious they were chasing the hawk away from the nest. Instincts of parents to protect their young. The walk today felt very good. The pace was brisk and my body felt strong. Walking works.

It is amazing how well my mood has changed. My sleep is better than it has been in years. I have read a couple of books on managing depression and anxiety and I am practicing skills I learned in therapy and in my reading. We live in good times to deal with depression with the advancement of treatment and the multiple ways to handle depression. I see at every turn of my life there is things I can do. Never be ashamed of having problems with depression and anxiety. It is worth getting help and feeling better.
I am still on the attack the snack diet and my waistline at the belly button has lost another inch. The improvement has added my sleep and overall how I feel.
I have created a friend wall to have smiling approving faces for me to look at as I prepare to sleep. It serves as a strong reminder I am not alone and I have good friends. I was reminded of the verse, "He that hath friends must show himself friendly" Having friends on face book, at work, in the body of Christ, family all give a tapestry of life that we have those who care and many we can care about. Keep walking

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wallking in Creation

On my walk yesterday I saw a eastern bluebird. One of the blessings of this time of year is possibly seeing one of these guys. The male has very bright colors. Their little song can help you locate them. In the sun light they can blend into a field rather well. In our area there are all kinds of water fowl that migrate here for the spring and with some staying through the summer and early fall. It is fun to take notice of our feather friends and adds alot to a walk. They are like old friends. It is a blessing to know that God provides for these creatures and He made some of them blue. He cares for them, but He cares infinitely more for you and I.

Out at Rock Run we also see many of the same people throughout the year. They are doing the same thing that I am doing, walking for health and enjoying the experience. Each walker has their own pace, some walk their dogs, some walk with the friends and significant others and some walk alone. They come in all shape and sizes, some are quiet and others talk all they way through their walks. In May and June will come the strollers and lovers. By July it will be to hot for these walkers. But there will be a core of walkers who walk for their pleasure and health that you will see throughout the year. Somehow we will know each other and there is a quiet acceptance of each other. The trail takes on a strange ownership and becomes our trail, our walk and you sort of look out for each other. All of this is mostly unspoken. I think it happens at every walking park through out the US. With the birds and animals these people add the blessings of taking a healthy walk.

These walkers can also teach you what to wear in a climate that is always changing. They wear comfortable clothes that tend to be loose. Their shoes are for comfort and walking. Over time you can see the fitness their efforts have brought them but they are comfortable with who they are. Runners have a completely different wardrobe and the age also dictates what people wear. The younger walker or runner will wear clothes that fitness people would wear. Very often they will show off what they are doing. It is nice to loose weight and fit into more variety of clothes but the regular walker through the year seems flexible in what they wear and less worried about how they appear.

You may feel you are over weight or unfit. The thought of walking may make you self conscious. Trust me for a moment but walkers do come in all shapes and sizes. You will find many walkers are just like you. Check it out for yourself. Start slowly and smaller distances and build your self up as you get into it. Walking for health is a journey that over time will give you better health and fitness. See your doctor and check on a walking program for you. Most of us can get into walking and within weeks you will be surprised the fitness level you can get. Be patient with yourself and work at it. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, dress for the weather and drink plenty of water. Take a good look at your fellow walkers and you will see they look just like you. Keep walking!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Battling the black dog of depression - emotional health

Lately I have been taking some time working on my emotional health. In particular dealing with the feelings of depression and anxiety. Ever since my near death five years ago I have had a lot of sleep problems and anxiety late at night. Walking, diet changes, putting a higher priority on my health have all brought me many benefits. Loss of sleep and different losses and stresses have had their effect on my mood and outlook. In the same way I have sought medical opinion about my health concerns, I have sought psychological opinions on my mental health. The one thing I did not want to do was to say, "Well that is the way I am and there is nothing I can do about it." I may be aging, but I did not want to live accepting a down mood as a way of life.

Walking and aerobic activity we know alters mood and fights depression. But sometimes it is not enough. The good news is there is plenty we can do about it. For a minute forget about labels. They just get in the way of finding help to feel better and enjoy life. I could care less if you think I am "mentally ill" or "neurotic" or somehow less able to live an "successful life." At sometime in our life we will have problems with the brain and nervous system like at sometime we will have problems with our joints, our heart, our respiratory system, our muscles, organs, skin, you get the idea. What I want in my life is information and treatments that improve the quality of my life. The good news is there are plenty of options to treat depression and anxiety to improve the quality of sleep and mood to get more out of life.

I have gained in these last weeks help to sleep better and control my anxiety at night. My mood has brighten and I have renewed my hope about the future. I want to thank the many people who have worked hard on my behalf. There are many skilled and trained people who stand ready to assist you if you are battling the"black dog" as Churchill termed depression. I also want to thank the many people who have allowed me to see into their journeys to improve their battles with depression and anxiety. Group therapy really helps see the many facets of depression and anxiety. Each of us are different but together we improve the quality of restoring our emotional well being and health.

As you walk with the fat man you may be battling many issues with your health. The good news is we are not alone. Keep walking!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Explosion of thought encouragement

Lately I have been encouraged by friends who tell me all this is worth it. A personal journey of health may encourage others to begin and work on their own journey. Today I was working on ideas of materials I need

Monday, April 11, 2011

forgiven by God in the momeent

Finding opportunity to walk can be easy. Going into the hospital everyday for treatment I have to be dropped off early at a near by coffee shop. I order a brewed coffee and breakfast cake and read and prepare for a day of therapy. About the time the office opens I take a nice morning stroll about 1 mile and arrive with a nice 17 to 20 minute walk. With my lungs full of the outside air and blood flowing from head to foot my body and soul are ready for the days activities. There is not alot of walking in the therapy so the morning walk does me good. Barb and I walked at Rock Run our 30 minute walk after supper and I helped with the evening's dishes. All movement counts. Combined fitness walking over 50 minutes. Our bodies love this. Have you ever feel like you blown it? Did or said things that hurt someone? Well I have recently. I didn't set out to hurt someone intentionally but did so anyway. I can't make amends or find forgiveness with this person right now. I know God can forgive and I know people can also, but, right now the other person is hurting and unable to forgive at the moment. The blessing of forgiveness and restored fellowship can never be taken for granted. Right now all I can do is ask God about it. "Take it to the Lord in prayer," the song goes. I hope soon I will be able to get right with this person. Talk about miracles! Walking with the Lord in the light where we are forgiven is talked about in 1 John 1:5-2:2. We can be forgiven by God in the moment. Keep walking!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thanks for a mental hospital - Edwards Hospital

What a beautiful day for a walk. I was in the hospital for about a week and it felt good to move again on a walk. How wonderful was it to have so many people at the hospital who with their skill and compassion worked to restore my health. My recovery has began and I have some work ahead of me because health is never just what medicine does but how we also take action to change what we can to a healthy life style. This includes body, mind, spirit, and soul. Depression is painful but recovery renews and springs forth hope. And by the way feels better too! Thanks to James an elderly man who is battling the aging process was a good roommate who slept all night and didn't snore. He actually was a sweet fella and would have been very interesting to know when he was younger, he had a good sense of humor. Research indicates that walking aerobically or jogging can relieve mild depression, and I believe that. But depression can get darker and need help, I am glad for the ones who helped me. Keep walking!

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8, 2011

Well I am back from a days in the hospital. It was a pretty intense time. It is good to know there are great people working to help restore health. This weekend I will back on the trail enjoying the start of spring. looking at my whole experience this week I am thankful for the skill and care of the people who helped me. I am even thankful for the nice but eccentric old man who allowed me to share his room (apartment) What was nice for me was the fact when hee went to bed he slept all night and didn't snore. I could of complained about some of his ways that would never change but I kept in mind he sleeps well. So thank you James.

Tomorrow is my birthday

Saturday, April 2, 2011

So come walk with the crazy ol fat man losing weight

Inches are being lost for me is a new way to measure weight loss. No scales just a tape measure. I am sorry I didn't do this from the start. I placed the tape measure on line with the belly button. Men where there pants below the belly button and the belly just sticks out. The pant size is smaller and the mental game of being OK kicks in. Well we all know this doesn't fool anybody but self and it looks like hell. In weight loss if you lost at the waist you are losing in the face, particular the chin. The back side and legs lose, every where you body is changing. I am starting to see my belt and body parts I haven't seen in a while. My first measurement after 28 lbs of loss was 47 1/2, it not is at 45 1/2. Was my waist really closer to fifty? My goal is 39 maybe 36. I think I can reach it. How? The two edge sword if exercise and diet. The one two punch of weight loss. Walking and jogging through the week (at least 5 times). Two to three strength workouts and daily stretching. The other edge 3/4 plate that controls carbs and protein and surround the plate with fruits and veggies to the tune of 5 is fine, 9 is divine. And attack the snack diet where all snacks are cut except fruit or veggies to reach the 5 to 9 servings. In particular I have targeted snack eating after dinner to bed time. None an active choice. Dr. Ken Cooper had wrote and said if one would quit eating after 6 PM the weight would drop. I'm proof once again he is right. Why under 40 inches at the belly button. Research reported in Real Age, the Cooper Institute, and others have shown it takes people out of that sudden death factor from heart attack and stroke and improves against type 2 diabetes and also helps us in our fight of certain cancers. Improve chances from the big three that kill us, works for me. Health issues can be on the emotional level. I have been battling depression for over 2 years. Walking is known to help but my depression I have come to believe is stronger than mild depression walking relieves so nicely. Well in the fat man style I know health is for people who aren't perfect, hence the fat man walks. If I need help with my emotional life then why not get help. Am I'm afraid you might think I'm nuts. Well if you have read this blog you already know I must be a little. What I am interested is being happier and free of negative depression. Added benefit I may gain insight into comfort food eating and be better at reaching the upper 30's for a waist size. Maybe my life improves and I may write a better blog to encourage more people. So come walk with the crazy old fat man. Keep walking.