A very windy day but springlike. Nice to see the flowers in the woods. Two songbirds were in hot pursuit of a red tail hawk. They manage to stay above the hawk together as the chased and attacked the bigger bird. It seemed obvious they were chasing the hawk away from the nest. Instincts of parents to protect their young. The walk today felt very good. The pace was brisk and my body felt strong. Walking works.
It is amazing how well my mood has changed. My sleep is better than it has been in years. I have read a couple of books on managing depression and anxiety and I am practicing skills I learned in therapy and in my reading. We live in good times to deal with depression with the advancement of treatment and the multiple ways to handle depression. I see at every turn of my life there is things I can do. Never be ashamed of having problems with depression and anxiety. It is worth getting help and feeling better.
I am still on the attack the snack diet and my waistline at the belly button has lost another inch. The improvement has added my sleep and overall how I feel.
I have created a friend wall to have smiling approving faces for me to look at as I prepare to sleep. It serves as a strong reminder I am not alone and I have good friends. I was reminded of the verse, "He that hath friends must show himself friendly" Having friends on face book, at work, in the body of Christ, family all give a tapestry of life that we have those who care and many we can care about. Keep walking