Tuesday, January 11, 2011

weekend walks - week end walks stupid violence

Over last weekend we had two beautiful walks one indoors and one out. We used Leslie Sansone's 5 mile fast walk and walked 3 Miles on Saturday and Sunday we took a three mile walk outdoors on a sunny but cold day. The air was wonderful and little wind at the time of the walk. We were well bundled up and good shoes for traction. The two walks helped us achieve our ten thousand steps for the day and were aerobic. Winter can be a fun time to walk and with an indoor walk all the muscles of our bodies are used.
Sad was the day when those people were shot in Arizona. I did not no much of the congresswoman at the time but what a delight to learn of this wonderful person. Politically I may differ on a point or two but from what I gathered what an interesting and caring person. It is too bad tragedy has to take place to look and people a little closer to learn good qualities of someone due to distance and number of those who serve are decent people. Both parties and ideologies need more like her.

It has been amazing to watch her recovery. She is a gem.
Walking we notice the events of our lives and take note. keep walking

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