Sunday, January 23, 2011

Learning from past therapy - therapy not wasted

If you and I live long enough often the same health problems occur. Nagging injuries or chronic health conditions return despite our best efforts. With me, I have CP and with it I have aches and pains that I have had before. I have gone to physical therapy and I have learned how they treated it and I have learned to apply the techniques and treatments they taught me. I have found it reduces the amount of time I recover and return to normal routines of life. Getting follow ups helps spot changes but it helps to use what I have learned.
This winter has been cold.
I have increased my strength training with walking this winter.
At night I have enjoyed relaxing music and reading to relax to sleep. My sleep has been better. When you have battled insomnia sleeping 7 - 8 hours is wonderful.
In one of my reads I have been reading the Narnia and space trilogies of CS Lewis. Reading his work is very conversational. He stimulates my mind and spirit. I also have read the Pacific and Band of Brothers. For me it puts me in touch with my father who served in WW2.
A TV series I have enjoyed the least two years in "Men of a Certain Age". Their banter put me in touch with my own experiences. The characters are flawed but that is the charm of the show. "Blue bloods" with the Regan family discussing and debating the issues they encounter is good stuff.
What does all this have to do with walking? I am not sure myself but having interests helps health and keeps us walking. Walking helps the body, soul and mind and life should too.
In today's devotion from the daily Bread we find God works at midnight. Aren't you glad He never sleeps or slumbers. Keep walking!

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