“Baby steps” is my new plan to lose weight. Weight-loss is based on 7 pound increments in the BMI chart. About a 5 weeks ago, I topped the scales at my heaviest weight. I paused my thinking in reflecting on observations about myself and others. My new hypothesis “It is hard to lose weight”.
Is their research that supported this hypothesis? How many people are really that successful losing weight? As we age, we can lose weight because we become unhealthy. We pick up a serious disease and our bodies don't work right and the weight comes off.
Losing weight that way is no good.
Observation heavy people usually remain heavy. Skinny people as they age lose muscle and gain fat. As we move along in life we share different yet common problems. Muscle loss happens and fat is too easy to put on as we age. When we were younger we may have pushed physical fitness to maintain are vim and vigor. The older we get that still may be a motivation but for most it evolves into health and feeling good.
Do a science medical search as to why we remain over weight. There is real evidence to the reality of weight-loss being difficult. Here is few new things I learned:
- We know fat cells die. About 10% of our fat cells die each year. Unfortunately our body replaces those fat cells.
- Fat cells communicate to the brain at an unconscious level with the loud message “feed me!” A fat cell wants to be big and healthy. Fat cell’s resistance to our efforts to shrink the fat cells is more significant than we have paid attention to.
- According researchers from Australia, Brown & Meerman in a report titled When somebody loses weight, where does the fat go? When we breathe our lungs are the primary excreteory organ for a fat. With each breath we lose a little fat. Now don't hyper ventilate! Fat loss happens by breathing. “If you lose 20 pounds, just over 80 percent of that is going to be exhaled by the lungs, and the remainder will be excreted via urine, feces, sweating, and tears (happy ones, we hope)”. Where Does Fat Go When We Lose It? 2017. The best way to increase our breathing is to move.
- The primary loss of fat is the actual fat cell shrinking.
- Obesity is a chronic condition. Most people will continue with a weight problem. It is extremely difficult to get to a healthy BMI. To make matters worse it is extremely hard to stay there. We have to develop a lifestyle a gradual weight loss. It is quite possible that we will never reach an ideal BMI weight. But our gradual moving that way is very healthy for us.
I will make this first personal, how will I lose weight?
- I plan to continue researching weight-loos difficulties as well as good ideas that may get me going the right direction.
- My goals will be based on one 6-7 pound goal at a time. This is based on intervals in the BMI chart for my weight and height. I believe I've been working on this problem for about five weeks. I have already lost my first 7 pounds. I am actually one pound ahead for my next goal. Hoorah! I am only going to focus on baby steps. On step at a time.
- Throughout the day small meals, cutting carbohydrates and protein portions five is fine and nine divine in fruits and vegetables. Lots of water
- Enjoy what I eat and life just cut back.
- Move an exercise throughout the day, simple moving breaks and workouts that include aerobics, strength, flexibility and balance. I have had success here that encourages me in step #2. The motivation here is about aging and excreting that fat out of my body. Keep walking
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