Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Learning to be cool in the skin we are in

Is there a need to develop healthy Caucasian self-image? Is there a need to develop a pride in the role that Caucasians have given to American culture? Where in school or media is it shared that it is OK to be white; there are good white guys and girls? Or does that affirmation only given in a racist or fascist ideology? Am I for raising these questions, to be branded a racist?
In my 30 plus years in education I cannot recall one direct affirmation that it's okay to be white. In an important subtopic it is rarely heard that it is okay to be male. What is heard a lot, is how white guys in history are the bad guys in regard to racism and feminism? This message is repeated over and over again. 
Has there been a bullying of the male self image where we can see the results of lower achievement, ambition and actualization? What is offered in our culture to develop healthy view of self as a white male? 
What is heard a lot in schools are the ideologies of white supremacists from the culture of slavery and racism? Because World War I and World War II being so big we hear a lot about the fascist pure race and extermination of impurities (non German) especially Jews. 
Are we surprised young whites given little positive support to develop healthy self racial identity to look at the elements that have been repeated over and over again; negative role models which are high-profile racist and “neo-Nazi” ideology.
In our inner-city we have seen gangster movies where the bad guy gets it in the end, but enjoyed the pleasures being a gangster rewarded. How many young people offered only a fast foods careers are lured into the gang life. We need better options than gangs, drugs, racism, and terrorists ideology. Nazism was first and foremost a terrorist group.  
Schools need to focus strategies and curriculum that put more balance between affirmation pride of all races and sexes and the deep seeded problems we still deal with. Schools like parenting, have a goal to produce healthy people ready to take their place in the adult world. We cannot alienate our boys in the process of growing. They need positive cultural experiences where they are valued for who they are. There is no way any generation can pay for the sins of their fathers.
Each child should be proud they are part of the human race made up of so many variations. We should feel cool in the skin we are in even white skin.

Neo-Nazi, KKK, hatred is to be condemned. When we choose violence to spread ideology our very actions are one of the terrorists. The acts are a threat to our national security. They are actually playing into the hands of our foes who are planning their next moves. These small-minded supremacists are making it harder to develop strong personal and collective identity for people of all colors. Keep walking 

1 comment:

  1. I hope to stimulate thinking with this blog. Racial identity is not the same as racism. Racism suggest some type of superiority and suggest an inferiority in others. American slavery often but not always that the enslaved were less than human. In the Roman empire there were 60% of who were slaves. There are slaves in the world today. It is evil plain and simple. Duke and NeoNazi's are in error (sin) in there thinking. Racial identity in their thinking leads to evil against oneself, God and others. Racial identity that is good seeks our good and benefits others and honors God. Regardless of race you should feel good in your skin.


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