Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Good news about getting older, I think?

Jacob has the idea how to age -
be cool man
The New York Times Paula Zahn reported Denmark seniors are living healthier and with less dementia then previously. The study was done with two groups of seniors born 1905 and the second group born in 1915. The study was done with seniors ages 93 and 95. There was an improvement in cognitive activity and mobility. Education and world events were similar but health care, diet and financial resources were possible reasons.
Another study the Times reports in England and Wales, that "dementia rates in a sample of those over age 65 had dropped by a quarter over the past two decades."
Medical care is a significant factor in why we are living longer and many times better. Diet which improves vascular health and immune health would factor in. The science of aging weighs in somewhere.
Her report points out the struggles of being 90 but people are doing it better. Check it out for yourselves.
The people in the Denmark study were more mobile but as to strength and speed they were the same. How does walking play into being 90+? It seems aging is a great equalizer in some ways. Dr. Cooper reports weight lifting can improve muscle conditions in our 80's and 90's. As more people practice flexibility, aerobics and strength fitness I believe it will improve the quality of life.
Somewhere in our 70's to 90's we also should note, "Hey we did it!" Moving is better than not and living is better than complaining. It appears our Denmark seniors found ways to enjoy being 90+. Weigh in on what you think. Keep walking 

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