Saturday, August 20, 2011

Finally back walking - On the Road in Western Michigan

Barb with her
favorite  activity
It took longer than I expected but I am back walking. Since I wasn't walking I took time off the blog. I had some issues with the right eye where I had to take it easy. Then I experienced vertigo for about 12 days. Barb and I went on vacation in Western Michigan while I was recovering. The vertigo went away and I was able to begin walking again.

Vacation was different in that we spent time visiting friends and did alot of talking. Barb and I had some time by ourselves which was our own spiritual retreat. That really fit into recovery time and true rest and relaxation. How many times we go on vacation only to put alot on our table where you are glad to be home just to relax.

Western Michigan in the national forest is is neat to travel to. At the beginning of our trip we toured around in the car. We were surprised in Baldwin to run into a jazz concert. It was pretty good. We were considering camping but I am sure glad we decided against that option. We had 4 inches of rain the first night we were there and the mosquitoes would have been oppressive. Where we stayed have an over hang where we could sit protected from the weather outside. Also what was nice was accommodations to cook outdoors which was a pleasant experience.
We had time to study and meditate on God's Word. I actually had time to continues my studies on walking with Jesus. In Baldwin there is a restaurant that over looks a lake. The restaurant was like a lodge and the food was pretty good. We were up there to see the stars but the evenings were too cloudy. The nice thing was the evening was in the low sixties and was great for sleeping.

Outside a restaurant we ate at in
Bear Lake Mi.
One thing that has been really an improvement for me was the ability to sleep every night. Most nights I am able to sleep through the night uninterrupted. Maybe you have never experienced insomnia but if you have you know how great sleep can be. There is no doubt the medicines I take for depression and anxiety are a big reason for the improvement. There are many reasons why we don't sleep and I don't think solutions are simple, but it is a good idea to look at sleep from a medical and psychological perspective. Don't worry what others think. If you benefit from treatment or learn how to manage your sleep or feel better, that is what counts. If we can make each day a joy to experience or cope better with our trials that ain't bad. I was able to sleep with the vertigo and eye problems. From my experience I would not have been able to do that 6 months ago. The last 5 years sleep was especially hard when I was physically sick.
One of the things I did this summer was enjoy some reading before bed time. Alot of the reading was just for the fun of it. I'm a big mystery buff and I like to read books that take me to other experiences and humor. I read a couple books on Post Traumatic Stress and Depression. Those reads I took my time with and I wasn't in a hurry to rush through them. I listen to Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee and some recordings on the Holy Spirit with Lewis S. Chafer. Did these activities help me to a restful night? I think so.
Well I am walking again and each time I do, my body is responding to an improved conditioning. I have had some set backs but I want to tell you you can get back into it. Be kind to yourself and ease your way back. I started out warming up slowly and walking mindful it has been awhile. My pace and length of walk has improved to where I am walking 30 to 35 minutes. It will take a few weeks but every couple of days I can feel the difference. Keep walking.

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