Monday, March 29, 2010

Flexibility and walking

What is great to write tonight is that walking the last three days has helped me deal with pain and tightness associated with my Cerebral Palsy. Each day I have been able to walk longer and faster with greater flexibility. I have less pain tonight all because of the therapy associated with walking. Thank you Lord for Barb and walking.

I actually went to a physical therapist to get an update on how I can stretch. For us with CP it is a daily problem. At night my body is worn out by the stimulation firing in my nervous system. Stretching is a God send to relieve pain. Moving our bodies and getting the full range of motion is huge.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Walk in Rock Run - local daily walk

Barb and I will be walking today out at Rock Run a local trail near our home. Walking throughout the year we get to see the changes that occur. Walking outdoors away from cars is also a plus. We will walk two to three miles today in about 40 minutes.
I was reading Mark 2:9-13 today and noticed Jesus contact with people started with his walking along the Sea of Galilee. Walking was a way of life with Jesus and I am sure in his day he had no problem having a thirty minute walk and many walks each day. For him and his disciples walking had no modern notions of aerobics and such. They just did it.
Get out for a walk, who knows who you meet.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

beginning of the walk

Four years ago with my wife's encouragement I began the habit of walking at least 30 minutes every day. I changed some of my eating habits and lost about 40 lbs.
I did a yearlong study on the Bible and health and I been learning, writing, teaching and looking at the gospels from the point of view of a walker who travels with Jesus and His band. I have got this crazy idea of taking daily walks not in the Holy Land but in local walking parks in my area. As I walk every day I read a portion of Scriptures following the life of Christ from Dwight Pentecost book the Words and Works of Jesus Christ and AT Robertson's Harmony of the Gospels. As I made my observations I started to dig into the gospels and many other sources. So far I have mapped out the first year of Christ's life. My studies should take me through the rest of His earthly life through the summer and fall, maybe longer.
I want to challenge myself to loose more weight and encourage others in walking with the Lord and walking.
I hope to share a devotional walk that you can experience right in your hometown that will help you improve your health and life with God. Blogging is new to me so in a way this is just the beginning, Come walk with the fat man!