Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Some things better

  One thing about getting older is usually things get worse. Today I went to the dentist in my teeth, gums, etc. have improved the last three years.

Now I know that many things are hereditary. The one thing I inherited from my father was good teeth. I have never had a cavity. Like you I have brushed my teeth all my life. Later I did a little flossing. But the one difference that I have done was to switch to a Oral-B electric toothbrush. And that particular instrument has improve my gum health. My teeth are cleaner because of it. I do use a mouthwash once a day. But the tooth brush reaches areas that I usually has more difficulty. I just slowly go over my teeth and let the toothbrush do it’s thing.

Having said this I know that the hereditary factor kicks in. But improving my mouth health that’s pretty cool.

Now when it comes to weight loss oh brother that’s a different story, but I’m working on it.

One thing that I am encouraged about is my recumbent stationary bike that has help me get better in walking and other things. It’s easy to bike 30 minutes or so listening to a book. If you’re having problems with stationary living consider getting a recumbent bike. There are many models that are pretty affordable and they give a good support for the back.

So hang in there and keep on walking.

Friday, December 3, 2021

What will our bodies be like in heaven? SD 480p

Part 2 Here I discuss basic differences revealed to us from 1 Corinthians 15:42-49 in our earthly body which we know about to our heavenly body we hope to learn about. After the video on a sheet of paper put a line down the middle and go through the verses and record what is from the natural world about our bodies and the other side what will be our spiritual bodies be like patterned after Christ. Ask your questions and concerns. Used a good dictionary, your favorite bible translation. You will be surprised what you will learn.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

What will our bodies be like SD 480p

This study has encouraged me as I move forward to live in my 70's in a few months. This is a snapshot of what our bodies will be in heaven in comparison to our bodies on earth. When we need the Lord the most will be at our death. I would love to see you in heaven. Learn what it means to trust Christ as your Savior and you will have hope when we are absent with the body and present with the Lord.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Studies in Acts 2 & inductive Bible Study SD 480p

Inductive Bible Study is so valuable to the student of the Bible. Particularly asking good questions which will lead us into interpretation and application. Careful reading is also good for business. The lazy need not apply.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Acts 2 1 13 The Church is Born SD 480p

God appears as fire in the burning bush with Moses, in the Tabernacle in the wilderness wonderings and now here with divided tongues as of fire. What is the significance? What were the languages heard with the divided tongues? How does this relate to John. the Baptist and the Kingdom of God. Why is this miracle so dramatic? Something new is happening and the Apostles and people only understand parts of it. The church begins with the Jews Make sure you keep reading Dr. Swindoll's Acts commentary and the Scriptures. Keep track of your questions and observations. Understanding is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration.

Class #3 part B SD 480p Rolling the dice prayer meeting.

I can picture the 1930s when people are in an alley playing craps. A rolling of the dice, a game of chance for money. As they blow air on the dice with a phrase like, "Mama give me a new pair of shoes." A game of dice in a prayer meeting to make a fair choice, What is that about? Judas needs to be replaced so the 11 can once again become the 12. It is interesting their desire to use lots has biblical principle. Let's look into it.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Acts 1 14 21 class 3 pt a SD 480p CSI visits a crime scene

Judas hangs himself and later body falls and we have a nasty crime scene. By law suicide is self murder it requires an investigation. We approach the scene as a CSI.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Class 2 part b Acts 1 1 11 SD 480p

One of the themes in the Resurrection ministry of Jesus was teaching the disciples about the Kingdom of God. What was He referring to? It is a big concept with many aspects to it. We sort it out in this class. Imagine being there at the ascension. What would it had been like? Even the location may surprise you. Why do theocracies fail on earth? What is the task of the church in the present time? Even us older believers still have a job to do. I hope I have piqued your interest. Part 2 of class

Class 2 part a Acts 1 11 SD 480p

One of the themes in the Resurrection ministry of Jesus was teaching the disciples about the Kingdom of God. What was He referring to? It is a big concept with many aspects to it. We sort it out in this class. Imagine being there at the ascension. What would it had been like? Even the location may surprise you. Why do theocracies fail on earth? What is the task of the church in the present time? Even us older believers still have a job to do. I hope I have piqued your interest.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Sort of a simple plan to an impossible task


I call it my impossible task. In walking with the fat man is something I find hard to do. I don't think I am alone. 

I have tried and failed. To say I am no good at it is an understatement. As we age, the task becomes even more difficult.  I know it will help my health, my dealing with balance and falling. So once more, I will give it a go. 

I have decided on a daily calorie count of around 2100—biking and exercise around a 1/2 hour per day. The movement will give me a few hundred calorie loss. I decided to calculate my weight loss from a sedimentary lifestyle. 

It has been about two months now, and I have dropped about 16 lbs. Weight can vary from day to day, but that is what I see so far. From what I have read, I will have to make adjustments as I go along. 

Can I stick to it? What obstacles will I have? It will take daily accountability. But not a daily weigh-in. Keep walking

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Acts class 1a SD 480p

Welcome to Fellowship Bible Institute. I am your teacher Bill Reeves. We are starting a 24 session class we will have throughout the year. Visit our web page at and scroll down to the Bible Institute to pick up class syllabus which I am going to change from a twelve week schedule to a 24 week. If you can visit us at 6:30 PM on Monday Nights at 122 Morris Joliet, Il.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Prayer & will of God SD 480p

Prayer is often complicated. Even if it is in the will of God, it can be revisited. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Sunday, August 1, 2021

In Ps. 91 the mountain of danger pt 2

We have learned to place ourselves under care and to trust Him. Now we discover if we love God and pray about specific danger many come and go and we are delivered, but...

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Ps. 91 Dealing with the Mountain of Danger

The Dangers of old and today can come upon us without warning. The way Psalms 91 addresses this problem is uncanny. Follow the study as we over come the mountain of danger. Pt. 1

Friday, July 16, 2021

Zeph 3 1 6 pt 1 SD 480p

Part 1 of this study. I hope this study helps see the dark side of idolatry and a picture of leaders who oppressed for their own benefit and power. Zephaniah gives us a snapshot of a very dark period leading to the Babylon captivity.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Zephaniah 3 1 6 part 2 We can learn from our failures SD 480p

In Zephaniah we find the old story of politics wherever it occurs taking advantage of the poor people they are supposed to serve. God would have us learn a different path. What we learn here is very practical.

The Fear of Falling


I recently fell at night, driving my elbow into my ribs. I had bruise ribs playing football in high school. This injury felt a little different. The next day is going to be a zoo day with the grandkids. I decided to bugger on. With my scooter, I zoomed around with the kids enjoying myself, but it was painful to breathe. Without the scooter, I would not have managed. That night with the family, I found refuge in my recliner. Very painful to get air and sleep, but I was tired, and rest came. The next day I was doing very gentle activities; everything was more painful. It was a good visit, but when they left, I asked my wife about what to do about my injury and when to go see the doctor. 

The following day We made appointments, and I began to research how do they treat rib fractures? The information was good advice where I quit regular actives and positioned myself in positions less painful. Each day I felt better; rest helped. Tomorrow off the doctor and follow recommendations. I have some idea of recovery, maybe six weeks or longer if complications. I will let you know what we finally discover and the things I am learning.

And that is just it falls affects us all. Falling is the number one cause of injuries in people over 65. I looked at my damage on WebMD and Health-line and got information for me to proceed. I knew I would have to be seen by a doctor. Tonight I visited the CDC website and National Aging site on falling. #1 how do we prevent falls as we age. As we age, it hard to look at the things that hurt us as we get older. 

At 63, 25% of us are clinically depressed. Why is getting a mental checkup so scary? When I went into Linden Oaks at 58 years old, about half the unit was there for the same thing I was. But the other half were there for onset dementia or assessment of more advanced cases of dementia. I had worked in Mental health, so I was familiar with the cliental. Yet it was so different for now I was in their ranks. 

Therapy was encouraging, and treatment for my insomnia very helpful. At first, not seeing younger people with their problems made me more acute  I was older. But then I got to think how awful it would be if I surrounded by teenagers and their problems.  I realize I did not need that problem. I was encouraged that my roommate had dementia, and he was so active in the daytime that he slept like a baby at night. They asked me if I wanted someone from the group to be a roommate? My response was an immediate no. I'm comfortable with Ray. It would not be good if I had somebody who had problems sleeping and anxiety all night. 

At 65, all of us begin with the problem of falls; of course, many of you will not experience falls until later. But why you still have your marbles? It is a good idea to get information about keeping your home safe from falls. Who to go to when problems start. What should you ask your doctor or healthcare provider about when you see them. Understand the questions that your doctor may be asking you as you get older. The fear of falling will become more natural to you, so I think it is essential to know your enemy (falling) so that you can develop a strategy to keep you safer and independent longer. 

Years ago, FDR facing the Depression, said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Fear of what ____________.  I often have learned to overcome the problem I face with good information, familiar or friendly support, people who can help, prayer. One thing I know you are never the only one who is facing what you may fear. 

I hope you have never really fallen. You may never face that problem. I can't tell you how many co-workers would watch my scissor gate, maybe walking too fast, or my weaker leg was shuffling for a crack to trip over. With me acting like TR, "charge ." I received many warnings. I became very good with my falls. Now I am not so brave. I pay attention more, but I still live in a world of the next step to betray me. I will change my strategies and exercise, but I desire to know more to face my fears. Right now, recover. 

Learn about falling and aging, your living space, and your health. Keep walking


Friday, July 2, 2021

Zeph 2 8 12 pt 1 SD 480p

WE often think dooms day messages find themselves on the edge luny toons, certainly no one knows whenever the end will happen. Yet accountability for our life or accountability of nations will face God's judgement. Nobody is above it. We can learn from God's judgements in the past such as we have here in the snapshot Zephaniah gives us. Years later from Zephaniah  the Messiah tells us we will worship in spirit and truth, John 4. 

Zeph 2 8 12 a prophet's reminder all are accountable, even big shots

It was fun working in the studio with this one. Part 1 of two of this study gives a glimpse of the prophecies concerning Judah's neighbors in the judgement of idolatry and violence that filled the land. We can learn of our need of accountability and keep the Lord and His ways before and learn from their example.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

It is looking better

 According to the associated press coronavirus is moving down the list as the cause of death. 

The coronavirus was the third leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2020, behind heart disease and cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But now, as the outbreak loosens its grip, it has fallen down the list of the biggest killers.

CDC data suggests that more Americans are dying every day from accidents, chronic lower respiratory diseases, strokes or Alzheimer's disease than from COVID-19.

Vaccine is proven to help to slow down of Covid making it possible to get back to living. 

As we age our battle with cancer, heart disease, diabetes. With improvement we can feel more confident to treat the things that kill us.

45% of us are vaccinated of those who are not may be children and young people. Others not vaccinated have their own reasons. Distrust of the medical world, fear of the shots themselves, caught up in political conspiracies I am not sure of all the possible angles.

What is the % of those who would be most effected with Covid? I have talked to people who fear the vaccine may reduce their ability to fight cancer. 

My wife and I had time to think through the vaccine before it was created. We had decided if a vaccine was created that improved our chances to live fighting Covid we would take it. Like other  vaccines I knew we may experience some side effect. Strategy, pain killer, good night sleep and see in the morning. Little arm ache, but the next day OK.

What every your fear I would encourage you to take the shot. If you do not trust the big picture from now medical-political perspective, see your doctor who you trust for what to do. We all have fears concerning what may kill us. The shot vs. getting covid is no contest as I see it. World wide 3.9 million deaths, I would think the number is higher, but compared with 1918 flu pandemic of 20 million people we did really well. When you factor in 8 times more population it show even more how well we did. 

My hope is we continue to learn how to treat respiratory viruses. Improved hospital and nursing homes ventilation to fight infections in general. We need to make sure governments continue to streamline vaccine support as soon as possible. 

To celebrate being back in living I know how often I have failed, but I have targeted a 50 lbs. weight loss goal. Keep walking

Monday, June 7, 2021

Part 2 of intro to Zephaniah SD 480p

Understanding the events and times of the prophets. Brief snapshots of the minor prophets will help our reading and study of Zephaniah. These were dark days. Judah's fall was hastened by the beliefs and behavior of the leaders who introduced the gods of Canaanites to the people. Josiah's reforms could not stem the tide of hideous beliefs and behavior. The Day of the Lord is near. Taking a closer look...

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Breathe in the Fresh Air

 After a weird year in isolation, it is good to see people getting back to the art of living. Outdoors without masks, vaccines improving our chances, and lots of things to look at regarding the care of Covid treatments and recovery. We have to take a look at what we did both good and bad to improve our progress the next time a virus hits. 

This time it was the elderly that took the hit. Of course, there were others and will sort out the complexities. 

When I looked back at the influenza epidemic in 1918 I discovered they use masks too. At that time they considered themselves modern. We look back at those times as history long ago. A reminder that we will be looked at similarly. 

At the beginning of this epidemic, I thought the advice to wait until difficulty in breathing before seeking help was a very bad idea. When Covid came to our home we got on it right away. 

I was concerned about the readiness of nursing homes to take on the task of care for Covid 19. 

Whether we liked it or not our hospitals would be in the same battle that those in 1918 faced. Despite all of our modern technology, healthcare professionals found themselves in a desperate battle. The bright side of this is all the information we can look at both to learn and to improve care.  

I don't think we are done with this virus and the mutations. Like the flu and Pneumonia, it will probably be  part of our yearly vaccines and care.

Back to our main battles in aging, fighting Cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other aging difficulties. A lot of routine testing was challenged by the Covid crisis.

There is an area that I haven't read much about concerning seeing the spiritual needs of in nursing homes and hospitals. Many people this year suffered alone. Is there a way to meet the needs of people spiritually that are aware of highly infectious diseases where safety and human touch are needed?  The church needs to be there. I was glad to engage in services online but I fell short in-hospital care. 

So we are back to walking, visiting friends, rebuilding our bridges. Covid added to the loneliness I think we all felt. This summer should be a time of real blessing. Concerns remain and I hope we learn as much as we can before the next germ comes our way. For now, keep walking.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Zephaniah intro pt 1 SD 480p

Have you every read any part of the Old Testament? I believe our first challenge is to read it as it was first written in its own time. Do we know any thing about Baal worship or Asherah worship in the high places. Did you know at this time worship of the Most High God and idol worship was done in the temple itself and repeated all throughout the land of the kingdom of Judah? During the summer when the weather became hot and crops failed in Israel their first born would be sacrificed to appease Baal and other dead idols. For 55 years Manasseh seduced Israel to many other evils of violence and darkness. 
A child King comes to the throne of Israel. Josiah influenced by a true priest of Yahweh begins a reform to remove the high places in 628 BC. Writing at the same time, the only prophet from the royal line is Zephaniah. Three short chapters helps us understand "The Day of the Lord" that will cover several thousand years with both near fulfillments and far fulfillments yet to occur. Read Zephaniah first to get an overview, then read it again and try to understand the important message it imports.
If you choose to study the book with me it is my prayer that you will gain insight resulting in practical understanding effecting our own time.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Prayer for sleep SD 480p

 Ps. 4 with added visuals

Don't Fence Me In Ps. 4

Facing slander, put downs, people trying to tear down is a possibility we all face sometime in life. How we do so effectively give pause for thought. If we take the path of faith David gives us some insight to this in Ps. 3 & 4. Overcoming the mountain of personal attack is difficult to climb successfully. We may need sleep and a good diet to sustain us. Let's look at David who was hemmed in from all sides of danger from Psalm 4.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Psams 13 overcoming depression SD 480p

My insights of depression are gained by my own battle with depression. Ps. 13 gives a good perspective of David's experience gives us hope

Friday, April 30, 2021

2 Peter p 2 SD 480p

Part 2 of 2 Peter 2:1-11 finishing the Bible study looking at inferences and interesting questions that come from it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

2 Pe part 1 SD 480p

Who are the people is writing about in 2 Peter 2:1-11? Why are they so destructive to those they teach? Who are the victims? What are the motives and opportunities of these false teacher among us? What is their game or con? Put on your deerstalker's hat or get ready to enter a court scene as we put the case together.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Snap shots from Jerusalem that point to Christ SD 480p

As we journey to Jerusalem we can see history from the 1st century to encourage our faith. If you look at Jerusalem today you will see belief in the second coming of the Messiah from all three religions in the land. If the stones could speak.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Good news

From me to you, this is the most important message I could give. I wish I could present it better but it is thought out and as accurate as I could give it. Play it at 1.25 speed to help an old man along. I wish all my friends could hear as the wish. Young and old I believe the good news is vital.

Friday, March 12, 2021

2 Pe 2 15 22 SD 480p

Part 2 of study of 2 Peter 2:15-22. Included study aids. Earlier I posted same video without study aids. Either video is fine but I think this one is better.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

2 pe 2 15 22Prodigal son or pig?

Second part study of false teachers. Looking at their sin and deception as they try to lure us into following them and supporting them. Unmasking their false promises of freedom that actually lead to bondage. There is hope for us to begin again in growing between love and faith where faith becomes a game changer.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

My Movie 36 SD 480p The Depravity and Deception of False Teachers

If you are around my age you can probably recall false teachers who were in it for the money, sex, and power they had over other people's lives. They looked for people they could use and in someway abuse. In our study in 2 Peter 2:10b-22 we will see this in Peter's day was a common problem 1st Century believers had to deal with. Maybe you have been hurt by a false teacher in our day. 2 Peter is a short 10 minute read that shares truth how to grow in the Lord and it is the complete opposite of a false teacher. Join me in a closer look at 2 Peter 2:10-22. How do people get hooked into false teaching? Why is so deceptive? Why are they so predictable with greed and sex?

Sunday, February 28, 2021

2 Pe 1:16-21 b Light in darkness

Continuing study p2 where we explore how God gives light in time of darkness. God's Word came to us for purpose an meeting us where the rubber meets the road in real life.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

2 Pe 1 16 21 SD 480p Sure Word of Christ Coming

We don't follow fables or myths but truth which was seen and heard. We have light for dark places

Saturday, February 13, 2021

My Movie 34 SD 480p

adding to our faith the divine nature and actively participating begins God's traits of virtue, knowledge, self-control, endurance, godliness, brotherly kindness, love. How does that look like?

Sunday, February 7, 2021