Tuesday, September 19, 2017

We have a need for a medical advocate

Being a senior citizen may lead to being ignored by health professionals. Something changes in how we are viewed. 
Many have reported in the world of work changes happen where the older worker is treated more like one would treat a child. 
In my work the teens definitely treated me more like a grandparent than an adult in middle age. While there were times when I had to be the adult I also adapted the grandparent role to manipulate the students in more successful student behaviors and responsibilities. While they took on responsibilities for both themselves and me, this was a breakthrough to tap into their own growing up. Behavioral goals and education roles were reached as students became less dependent on me and assume greater responsibility for themselves. Underneath my façade I was still managing my role and function. The atmosphere in the classroom was less adversarial and more cooperative. 
There was an incident in which two girls were in a fight. I was the first on the scene so I was sorting out how to intervene a real physical fight, when two damsels came to my rescue. I being the gentleman that I am, gladly step aside as the two younger women competently dealt with situation. Would I have done that 20 years ago? I don't think so. As I walk back to my work area I was smiling thinking that I handled it quite well. 
But there're other times when people talk to me in a louder voice, repeated instructions several times, and I wasn't being asked to do the things I am done before. The times were changing. Some of this relates to aging. Toward the end of my career I did have significant issues with insomnia any ability to come to work everyday. While I resolve these issues it also became apparent to me that it was time for me to change. I would have to say I was given a lot of support. When I was at work I was good; but I also was missing too many days. This all happened in a time I could retire. 
Over the years I have heard many conversations that younger people have concerning older workers. It is not hard for people to pick up the vibrations that are negative.

Due to due process I can't disclosed a case ongoing. But It is possible to go into medical care and be ignored or not treated because of medicare limits or negligence. I would encourage each senior to have an advocate to speak out for your interests just in case you can't. A person who understands what is going on and will question things, look out for neglect and fight for you. Medical people may view you as an old geezer complaining with attitudes. We may say or feel things and express our selves in a bad way. We would not have done this earlier. Bottom line we may be written off. Hospitals like teachers, lawyers, can be lazy. We need a check and balance as we seek care. With so many things that can go wrong we want to communicate in such a way that we have a chance to survive. If the hospital is not really treating the problem we could be in serious trouble. Keep walking

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