Saturday, October 22, 2016

We don't often look at balance In the news

It has been a while since I've shared a health in the news report. I have looked at five papers, three from the East, one from the Midwest, and the other one from California. Many times it could be the same article in other papers. I was looking at different articles in the papers. Here are a few articles that struck my interest.
I was California dreaming Reading in LA Times article How to bounce back from a fitness failure Bouncing back is a skill, and you can learn it. David Leon Moore. David is 60 is bouncing back from surgery restarting his fitness program. 
  1. Use reminders
  2. Start slow
  3. Remember the 10% rule. This is important. Don't increase your training by more than 10% from week to week.
  4. Stretch 
  5. Go for it.
  6. Remember why you need to bounce back
  7. Get a mantra - David’s
    1. If It Were Easy, Anyone Could Do It.
    2. Of course, it's not easy. Sometimes we fall.
    3. But we can always bounce back.
We all have to reboot our efforts for health. I have rebooted so many times I could call my blog the fat man reboots. I like that

5 Exercises for Better Balance
By Chris Freytag Some of the exercises may be challenging. The article gives several good reasons for us to work on our balance. I have lived my whole life with unsure balance. As we age many others have more difficulty. In my mind I  put balance in rehab or physical therapy and flexibility. If we work at it we can prevent falls. This is big for me.
Read the article and I would suggest putting in balance exercise for seniors. We can rehab back to walking, gain strength and flexibility as we age. We can also improve our balance. We have a lot to do when we retire. The payoff is we can do things for a long time.
Use a chair or wall for support.

Crawling the new plank. Think of crawling as a full body workout. It gives you movements that may help you get off the floor as you get older. My knees are not up to it but I may try it on an exercise mat and my couch for support to get up and down.
We can lose these abilities and may have to begin with our doctor's perspective.

As we get older there is many things we can relearn as we work at our health. Be in touch with your doctor and yourself to know what helps you. Keep walking

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Getting closer to publishing book.

Well, it is soon to happen. The old man here is going to publish a book.
The book is based on a study that I have done concerning walking with Jesus through the Gospels. The vantage point of the view is at we are walking with Jesus. As he walks from event to event we are there as eyewitnesses. The idea being as you read along, we place ourselves on location with Jesus. I will be focusing on a few things and sharing insights in the study.
Whoever reads along with me I encourage a daily walk. I will share tips regarding health, walking fitness and hopefully worthwhile information & insight into the life of Christ.
I am working on editing but we're getting closer.
With publishing I am a real nobody. Nevertheless I am excited about doing this.
Here's a footnote that I written I think will give us insight into how God put the readers point of view into the story so we can learn from. I really do like Peter, he is so much like me in saying what is on his mind and having to be corrected, rebuked and at times being right on the button. He says and does what everybody is thinking. He is full of life. Here is my note. The context is Mary searching for Jesus when he was twelve in Jerusalem when he was listening and asking questions to the brightest minds in Jerusalem at that time in Luke 2.
In the book foot notes are optional to read. If I put them into the text it may distract from the flow of the writing. Sometimes I think you would like to run down the rabbit hole with me as we do a little digging.
Reeves-when we are studying the life of Christ and we come across something that we don't understand, it may be a paradigm shift, that really makes us think; we should take pause and respond like Mary did and treasure it in our heart. Somethings we will take all of our life to work out, we may have to go home and pray about it, Study it, work it through. Mary's example was what Luke wanted his readers do. Mary is the Watson in the Holmes story. She is the Peter later in the gospels. When Peter interrupts, questions, gives the wrong answer that is the reader responding to what's going on. We act like we know it all, When in fact we may be in the dark. As a reader, student, disciple and even teacher never lose the fact that you're reader in responding to this information in the Bible. Always ask your questions and be aware like Jesus here God responds calmly and patiently to your fears and anxieties.
I hope you let me know what you think. Keep walking.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Walking the walls in Jerusalem

 Today they made this a park. When I was there is was a dig and some of the things you see were not uncovered yet. We walked along the wall and that gives you a different perspective.
Wayne Styles  shares a little bit about the view.
I know the walk was against the rules but I was glad we could do it. 

Ah to be young and daring. 
Barb walking the wall and I was asking her to pose for a shot.She did not like being high on the wall. Keep walking