Monday, February 22, 2016

Finding ways to get it done

I have been working at not falling this past year. The pain and health in my knees have improved. But I just can't go out and pick up my walking program again because if I do I will fall again and it takes a long time to recover. 
To my rescue has been my indoor recumbent bike an in the few weeks I will get my outdoor recumbent bike serviced to get out and rolling around. I am looking for a bike scooter that I can use at amusement parks or zoos. This scooter can go about walking speed and be able to break and handle like electronic scooter. The differences I am moving around in using my own power which will be good for my health. If I had a a motor for use when I needed it so much the better. So far I haven’t seen one, 
Walking around the house and later this spring outside I am working again the computer every half hour for about two minutes of walking or working through a strength routine for couple minutes. Doing chores around the house is part of it as well. 
The 30 minute workout on the bike listening to a book is my most frequent experience. Doing little walks throughout today is the other part of the equation. Each day I try to pay attention to this. 
I just finished reading a Cadfael mystery I biked while to listen. There are times when I go longer than 30 minutes. I change resistance every for five minutes and keep track of my heart beat. My goal is to pump my heart about 15% to 20% over it's resting rate. If my heart rate goes up little bit I have a lower the resistance and it brings it down to a safe level. So far I've been able to increase one level of resistance for part of the bike ride. 
I just got up to get a cup of coffee and while it was microwaving I did a set of three of my body Weight exercises with the counter. I did 20 push-ups, 15 dips, 10 heel raises, and 5 squats. My coffee was done and I walked back to the computer to finish this blog. The blog itself was dictated with no typing. Since I've been using dictation my carpal tunnel has all but disappeared. 

As we get older we don't have to give up. We were made to move and all we have to do is find a way. Keep walking

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hooray! Completing a 9 year study

In the last nine years I have done a study on the life of Christ and I have looked in particular his movements and walking. I am within one or two days of completing the study and then I Will be able to concentrate on the writing of the devotional based on the study.
It is a personal note of satisfaction in completing the The comprehensive study.
I am on my way to walking and sailing with the disciples in the book of Acts.we are made to move and it is so essential to our health. It is fun to pay attention to how these people moved in their locations.
With my recumbent bike I'm able to get in a good ride. My knees feel so much better. I love to walk; but I also love not falling. The in-home walking with Leslie Sansone is good for me. Sidewalks have never been that good for me.I just can't fall anymore I'm a sissy now that I'm getting older. But you keep walking for me

Monday, February 8, 2016

In the News stress keys our fight or flight response

Every day in my social media connections I get a flow of information about health. Many times it's just a repeat I'll things I've already heard or read. At least once a week I take a look at what's in the health knows in the papers. They're also very good sources on the Internet. But there are a lot of stories on the Internet that need fact checking and can be misleading. 
Most major newspapers now have a video reports that go along with the written articles. If you'd like to see you here your news this can be very good. In health articles many of these reports contained reporters questions any answers from experts. 
I was reading an article in Wall Street Journal concerning stress and cholesterol levels. Stress triggers sugar in our blood that will increase the cholesterol level. The doctor interviewed suggest two things that we can to lower our stress and cholesterol levels.
Thanks to Dee Moore I learned to like the WSJ. I also follow the Tribune, NYT, LA Times and Washington Post. 
“Dr. Kopecky, of the Mayo Clinic, advises patients to think of three things they are thankful for when they go to bed or wake up in the morning, to help reduce stress. 
(In interview he said every 30 minutes get up and move for 30 seconds. This will help improve your blood sugar and help reduced the cholesterol in your blood. A third thing he said in the interview was to find some time in the day several times to relax.”)
The interview information that he gave was not in the article, but it was in the video portion. I know from personal experience that a reporter will not give you verbatim what you may have said an interview, but if you could hear a tape of it, you as a reader could hear the whole thing. I don't think it's a misquote that happens in a friendly article, just a human difficulty of recalling. We tend to write what we think we hear. 

If you haven’t subscribed to electronic newspaper, consider it. Listen to the video reports that you want. The total experience is pretty cool. Keep walking