Monday, June 4, 2012

Summertime a great time to walk and lose weight

Walking the Old Oak Trail
Light filtering down
When you look at images of the net of walkers they are fit and light. But here I am. I am a month back into mindful eating. For me controlling my eating particularly at night is key. Putting weight back on is easy. Taking it off and the real mystery of keeping it off is alot harder. We have all seen pictures of people who have lost weight, but many of them regain it. At that point motivation can be a little shaken. The story gets a little old. I have learned a couple of things that may help.
We are healthier when we walk. No matter our size walking helps. We are healthier with some type of weight resistant plan. Muscle helps us moving and keep active. As we age we lose muscle, but weight strengthening can keep muscle on our bodies. Being skinny as we age may lead to weak bones and muscle loss.  We are healthier when we stretch our bodies. Muscle and moving burns calories and that burns fat. So moving is something we can do. (Always check with your doctor starting a exercise program)
I know for me walking gets me back into the swing of things. For a little over a month now I have been eating less. I have lost eight pounds. This weight loss is the easiest and actually the best for my health. Losing weight where you and I will see it will take a couple months. Becoming one of those thin walkers I am not so sure. Keeping the weight off I am going to have to learn to eat less and be more aware of this process.
Believe me barb keeps me in the game
Aging health becomes more of a priority. I know we have to spend more time at it. Some may argue  these things can be over done. So it is important for me to be clear what I am talking about. There are people who still play some type of competitive sport. As you age to do this you have to put in time to train. Cooper Aerobics can be of a real help here. For me moving to health involves some kind of movement an hour a day. Most encourage people to walk an half an our a day with other steps and work being an hour of a day. Shopping, house work, yard work, hobbies, parking further away to walk, helping others, workouts, are all part of living. Doing things with the grand kids, swimming, biking, working in a shop. For me I am still working and that means 5000 to 7000 steps. As we get older we can't watch to much TV, sit for hours, be on the computer hour after hour. I enjoy TV and computers but I have move.
Now I can move on to how I eat. An 1/2 hour walk will burn some calories, but weight loss for most of us will happen when we eat healthy and eat less than we use. Without the chronic ankle pain I have had more focus on what I am eating. So I hope in a little while you will see my progress. Keep walking.

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