Saturday, June 30, 2012

Walking "to help the brokenhearted,"

Light fiters on flowers - simple beauty
 Isa. 61:1-3 refers I believe to the Lord Jesus, cf. Luke 4:18, 19. In particular His first coming is refered to in Isa. 61:1-2a. In my title I have isolated the thought "to help the brokenheated" Most translations translate the word bind for help. The Net Bible translates "help" but notes "tn Heb “to bind up [the wounds of].” A wound often requires binding to close it so that it heals. Today we can bind up the differnent parts of the body that has been wounded. The binding supports and protects the injured area until the body heals and forms scar tissue. Such aid can be life saving and help restore a wounded person back to life. Today we are putting a price tag on that care and we will soon decide who gets care and who won't. In war or catastrophy we have to do it because of the situation. Some are beyond help. But greed and cost are not the same as caring professionals trying to save who they can.
How can walking heal the broken hearted? Now we move from a physical wound to a spiritual and emotional wound. Dr. Ken and Tyler Cooper write in Start Strong, Finish Strong on pp. 120, 121 the benefits of aerobic exercise for the brain itself and our emotional well being. For years we have seen reports of the benefit of a runner's high. We now know walkers can have that too. Mildly depressed, walking can help. More severely depressed, we need professional care, but walking can be part of the treatment. The two phychiartrists that treated me both encouraged my walking along with therapy and medicine.
I liken my depression like my treatment for blood pressure. Both need professional oversight and both are helped by walking. I also believe strongly we are much better with care than hiding or ignoring our pain. Illnesses of the brain and nervous system are in my book on par with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. We have a lot of hope today.
It is easy to feel a good walk
Back to how walking can heal the broken hearted. Who are we walking with? Is the walk relaxing and pleasant? Walking in the outdoors and in particular in a walking park we are surrounded by birds, plants and sky. Many times there is some body of water near by. If you park has city noise, bring along an ipad where you can download relaxing sound from nature or music. In an emotional healing walk let your body find its pace. Movement is always healthy. Feel how strong your legs are and how clean the air is coming into your lungs. Look at the tree line and blue sky, watch the lake as you walk by, give your worries a time out. If you are walking with some one, discuss no problems on the walk. Leave the work place and home for your walk. Talk in the car on the way back if you like.
Get the help you need and the support. If three or four walks are aerobic in your week take two or three healing walks a week as well.
I can't put a time limit on when your heart will heal but walking can be part of that healing. Going back to our scripture one you can always walk with is Jesus who is the "Great Physician". Spend time with Him, read a couple of paragraphs from Scripture, talk to Him as you walk. Feel free to state your complaints, but don't stay there. Find things to be thankful everyday and give praise. Notice the beautiful things on your walk. To life, keep walking.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Behind the scenes in the fat man walks

When we are hurting we can lean on Him
Behind the scences for about six years I have been engaged in two studies: (1) the Bible and health; (2) Study of the Life of Christ from the point of view of a walker with Him. Kind of a third party view Jesus and His followers as they moved through the three and half years of ministry. My study is in the third year of that ministry.
It is my hope to put on line some of these studies that may encourage others. I am sure through out my blog my research in health you have seen.
I am not an expert but I don't mind sharing what I have found that may encourage you. This doesn't replace in any means your care by your doctor and professional support you may enlist. There are many online information sources that are professional and informational. My blog is about my experiences and walking that I know is good for most of us. Even if your doctor and you the better counsel is limited activity, I try to right encouragingly as you struggle with your health.
 I have studied the Bible for 40 years and have been in some type of ministry all my life. The Bible teaches balance in life, moderation, God created foods which are beneficial, and don't let food become your god. People in the Bible were walkers and used their bodies for work. They were leaner and their diets were simplier. We do have foods available to us like tomatoes which were not available in Biblical times and we have heath benefits also. Medicine in the last 100 years has expanded the life span from about 50 to nearly 80 today.
The idea of 30 minute walks will not be found in the Bible.Walking was not their problem. I am always amazed when some idiot uses that as an arguement against a healthy walk today. We have to deal with the problems of today, we can't return to another time. We can learn from the principles we see and walking at least 30 minutes a day is a good idea. So is finding ways to walk 10,000 steps a day, which is more in line with what they did in the Bible over our sedimentry life.
More people like myself have to deal with aging. I would not have made it 100 years ago. One of the bi-prodducts  of my study is the concept of healthy aging. I am convinced there are things we can do to get more out of life until it is our time to go home with our Savior. So the fat man walks.
I was reading Isa. 61:1 and I believe it refers to the Lord Jesus, Luke 4:18, 19.
"The spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon me,because the Lord has chosen  me. He has commissioned  me to encourage  the poor,to help  the brokenhearted,to decree the release of captives,and the freeing of prisoners," I have been encouraged through it all that Jesus walks with me and I with Him. I would like to pick up the idea of help the broken hearted next time. Keep walking

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Got to sing the blues cause you know aging ain't easy

Liam leading the way
I read an article about rethinking aging by Dr. Linda P. Fried. You can read it yourself and listen to a video she recorded that I think you will find interesting.
One thing she said we need is to move and use our muscles. One of the the things we need when we get older is energy and energy needs muscle and strength. So get out those exercise bands and weights and learn how to strength train. Check out  or both have real practical information to make it happen for you. Leslie Sansone has lots of in home products that really work at home. Barb and I use her walks 100 times a year.
To live as a seniors we need to have
Using the bench for upper body work
and a plan
We may have worked for "the man" when we were young to retirement. The job may have been stressful and we put up with a lot. In retirement we have to find things we love to do and when we can do them. We were not made to sit and be set aside. We can still work. But what we need is to find what we love to do and what really helps others. Dr. Fried suggests that will be the #1 problem we will have with a growing older generation. If we are still making a contribution with what we are good at we cant just be set aside. 
Liam jogs over a mile
We need the power or the ability to move and work. In our retirement planning we have to set aside time to move aerobically, strength train and stretch. Dr. Fried talked about nutrition we will need to be able to move and work. Getting to thin (no muscle is no good). We will have to learn to eat better.
Liam with His beautiful mother
Finally we need a plan. Find the right aerobic for you, it could be walking, running, biking, swimming, tennis, Frisbee disc golf, walking your golf clubs. Do these things 5 times a week. They can be any of them. Next find a strength fitness you can do. Weights and dumb bells, body calisthenics, resistant strength bands, gyms, along with this is yard work and house work. Stretching is done when we move but you can learn how to stretch after your workouts that will keep you moving easy for a long time.
You may also need a plan to do the things you love. Volunteer, a new career, with the purpose you want to live for.

Beautiful Bouquet
Part of it may mean doing things part time. For retirement to work we have got to considering moving. It is the best was to age. Barb and I enjoyed adding upper body strength training to our walks. For me it pushed my workout. Barb did 20 push ups. Liam walked over a mile. It was a cool evening with a breeze and a great time to walk. Keep walking 
These ideas discussed here are important for you to have your debate about aging. Don't ignor it and putit off. Go after it and I think you will get the best results.  

Monday, June 25, 2012

Meet Spencer West an amazingyoung man with a great walk

Separated from the pelvis Spencer used hands as feet.
I came across a story today that that really impressed me, reported on the net today A 31-year-old man from Toronto with no legs has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro this past week. His name is Spencer West, and he was raising about $500,000.00 for charity to help kids in Africa with education and clean water for Africa. Mt. Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa. As a young man I remember Reading Earnest Hemingway's collection of short stories. When I lived and served as a missionary, educator who also helped set up a medical clinic my adventures were in the jungles of West Africa. I never made it to east Africa and to  the Mountain. I visited his face book page and his photo journal of his exciting walk.
Spencer is showing his determination as he faces a new day
It took him seven days to reach the summit with the support of his two friends and guide and team of climbers. He used his wheel chair 20% of the time and walked on his hands 80% of the time. They started in the savanna and ended up on the snow capped peaks. You can track his journey at His training and fitness is outstanding. I was impressed with his friends, they carried his chair and were with him as he walked. The guides and porters played their part to make sure it happens. What he did was amazing but the wisdom of others played a big part in making it happen.
I have cerebral palsy and if I thought I could raise money to help with education, medicine, making people lives better I be tempted. I can remember walking in 20 mile walks with little sponsorship. As I recall a couple of dollars. Helping those less fortunate I have done all my life. 
Jesus once said "there will always be the poor," And there will always be a problem in Africa. I know it sounds like I have given up. But I haven't. Lately, I have been focused on abuse and helping those recover from that. Everywhere we look there are problems. But in our efforts there is one here and another there who finds help and lives a better life.
Loosing legs at pelvic bone how easy o give up
When I think back on my service in Liberia, did it do any good? I know people we helped with their suffering. I know kids were given a year of education with care. I know I shared the gospel freely and there were those young and old who trusted the Savior.  I know I wrestled a local bully and prevented harm to one of the young girls serving with us. I know I mentored four young men who survived the war and used the intelligence and talents I saw in them. I am proud of my service as a 20 something, I served the King of Kings and we gave everything we had into the work. For me it was a substitute for not being able to sere my country. I actually only had a dollar in my pocket when I returned home. St. Joe's hospital welcomed me back to work and Silver Cross welcomed back Barb and our family was cared for.
You it just easy
Hundreds were treated medically, hundreds were cared for spiritually. Daily we cared for about 50 children in our school and provided a meal for them. School was free and in the clinic we charged 25 cents. No body was turned down, but I believe all came up with the fee.With their 25 cents we paid for all their medicine. Most people suffered from one of five common tropical diseases. #1 on the list even today is Malaria. Spencer wanting clean water which is right up this ally. I got malaria and it is no Small thing. Think of your worse flu, malaria is worse. To top it off it is still in my marrow waiting for round two. My GP has treated tropical diseases and he know my problem. We helped hundreds but soon a bloody civil way would ripped through the fabric of our work leaving easily a half a million dead.
I am impressed with Mr. West determination and skill sets and his friends they mean everything. Walking for him is walking in a chair and at times on his hands. He uses his experiences to motivate people to rethink possible in their lives and be a world changer.
Can walking change our lives? Can we move from poor health to good health? Can we lead more active lives as we age and be able to do more things we may want because we get up and move? Because I am walking, will I be able to move around and live one or two years longer than if I don't walk. Can I choose to lose weight and move from obese to overweight, from overweight to within range of a healthy weight. As we get lighter we are gaining more time to walk and move. Is it worth a couple of more years to be independent and active with family and friends. Is it worth decreasing our joint pain? Is it worth improving our fight with heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Walking is one think that helps us to renew our health and turn back the clock a few years.
On a private note personally I a grieving a loss of a friend. Grieving is a hard emotion. I know I don't like it but it will be with for now for a little while. My experience with losses is they never really go away. Tonight weep with those who weep. Keep walking 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Baseball and life

Planetarium that my father made at work on top of JT the
High School I work at
Baseball a wonderful game for just about every rule is created because of the All American Ideal of lets win by getting the advantage over our opponent. Some may call it cheating, but I think it is based on I don't like losing and will be imaginative in inventing news ways to get the edge. When some one does get the edge new rules are made to an ever increasing rule book. And if you don't know the rules, heaven help you. But in truth everybody who loves the game does.
Baseball like know other game creates geniuses. All other sports are over coached and people try it in baseball but it doesn't work. That little ball will always give a bad team at least a 40% chance of winning.
Baseball is the closest sport to life. We want to be 100% sure, but that will never happen. A good hitter hits 300 or better. They also may walk 2 out 10 times to the plate. That means they get on base 50% of the time not counting getting on by errors. As good as they are though they still make outs 50%, 60%% or more. As they age they will make more outs, so at the end all made more outs than on base. Good player hit 270 and many have made a career hitting 220.
Walking around the park
Nobody on this planet would do all they can to be healthier, live longer, cheat death, we all hate losing. Baseball is a wonderful game.
I know we all like an honest game but he nature of baseball is to bend the rules and try to see it in new ways. Competing we try to win and that is how a game is played. Baseball watches with a fine tooth comb. In health there are guidelines just like in the Bible there are principles. But our battle against sickness and the like requires our paying attention to life's stats. Our desire to get an edge isn't bad. But we have to know our limits and our need of faith. Even the best we get 120 years or so one must be ready for eternity. Putting your faith in the one who came back fom death is playing smart.
Barb and I went to Silver Cross Field to watch our Joliet Slammers. Before the game we walked abound the park a couple of time and once during the game to take pictures and enjoy a beautiful night. We got to see a 5 run comeback and good baseball played by talented young players. Minor league fill the park with noise, but they don't let people get into the game itself. Have you ever listened to people responding to good play? It has its' own sound. "Popcorn and peanuts" aren't bad either. Keep walking

Joliet used to be known for the steel mills. I saw this picture
with the sun's reflection so we went for a stroll
Sometimes pictures are seen right away. The one below was easy to take. I loved the golden color on the building and the sun shining off of our gentlemen watching the game. Enjoying life could be just a mile away.
Ken and Linda I am thinking of you.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Thinking thin

OK I am not thin,but I am thinking it
Since I am not a thin person and haven't been for a long time I ran across a video by Dr. Oz who is a thin person and he gave the following 7 habits.

7 habits of thin people
Exercise in the morning *
Smaller meals in the day (not three but more) *
Eat slower *
Eat breakfast
Monitors of their health – journal
Fitness hobbies
Drink water – generous amount

The first three I do not do on a regular basis. I just read though that exercising when you can is what counts. I have always eaten to fast and I know if you eat slower it gives your brain time to tell you your stomach is full. Smaller meals would work and I have improved on portion size. Is there more to the idea of early work or exercise gives a better lifestyle to be thin? So 6 of the points I have accounted for. Can I learn to eat slower? In the last five years Barb and I have traded fat for taste. Could enjoying what I eat change the focus of food to taste rather than amount. Learning to think in moderation and be thankful (enjoy what is eaten and with whom) may be what thinner people do?
From Cooper Aerobics comes  reminder to stay hydrated this summer. While water can come from coffee, tea, soft drinks and food, water remains the best source to keep hydrated. Water 8-12 oz. can immediately improve our blood circulation. This helps our heart, brain, digestion and everything else. Water can improve our skin. Drinking water when you are hungry can help you eat healthier portions. Water can energize you around 2 in the afternoon. Drinking, eating (food has water) 8 glasses a day. Read the article yourself .
I was out today for a walk chasing home run balls in the cornfield at my son's game and was reminded how much we sweat on hot days. Drinking  water helps you to stay in an activity healthful. Indoor walking is also great on these days. My aerobic walk today was indoors and a upper body workout.
Today I am thinking thin. Keep walking

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Time to raise the bar, joined

Good idea from
My walking has grown in confidence with the orthopedic brace. I have been walking 40 minutes in the last week at an aerobic pace with two minute worm ups and cool downs. I saw this idea to do push ups that are doable and give us an upper body work out. We did this at two benches where I did a set of 10 at each bench and Barb did 7 and 5. Barb thought next time she could do 5 at each bench that is 6 benches to work with. How close your feet are and angle adds intensity. Barb showed good form.I was impressed. The two sets of 10 I did added to the intensity of the walk. We may bring some bands with us to get a gym type workout. Next time we will photo our workout as we walk. If we could have 2 band workouts and full body workouts with our walk we would benefit from cross training to help the heart and muscles and bones. Both of us felt good after our walk.
Signed up for the program for support and ideas on my weigh loss and fitness goals. Walking the last few weeks has energized me to re look at what I can do to improve in weight loss and fitness. It s run by the cooper aerobic center and has lots of tools and support. Great info, many examples of people like us getting fitter and living better. Easy to sign up and there is something we can do everyday that can make a difference. Barb and I doing push ups, that's something. Hooking up with positive people going the right direction, Pretty cool.
Tonight's walk was hot and sweaty. My body really likes it, it feels good to be loose and strong. Chilled down with cool water and green tea.
Gina Kolata on exercise in the New York Times people are motivated to exercise not be cause of improved heart, blood sugar, or a stronger immune system to fight of cancer. People are motivated for how exercise makes them feel afterwords. A runners high, a strong flexible body, confident. I can tell you I get it. Afterwards muscles worked I feel strong, I feel blood pumped through the arteries that they are cleaner, Oxygen gets to all parts of my body and mind an I feel alive. More inclined to make love and work around the house. Energized yes. Feels great. By the way I am helping against heart disease, diabetes and Cancer. Why do I do it, my Greek friends help me here...OPA! YEAH! LIVE! Keep walking

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day walkers

One of the descriptions of God in Psalms 68: 5a is "a father to the fatherless." Moving through Facebook tonight there were many people I know who remembered  their fathers who passed on. Some spent time with their dads who are still with us. Joe Stowell wrote of his own parenting as, "They craved my time and attention, the provision for basic needs, a love that patiently forgave, and the creation of a safe place for them to grow and mature. It’s a short but very profound list of fatherly duties." It was those things that mattered to his kids. Dads love their kids and provide a safe place for everybody in the family to grow and mature. If we learn to forgive and be gentle and encourage our kids that maybe as good as it gets. Dads come in all shapes and sizes and they are as different from one another as well. Our armor may not be shinny and may have more than a few dents. Perfect no but from what I read most dads were there when it counted.
So happy father's day. I have wrote about Jack, Gordon, Bob, and my own dad, it seems me we see more flaws in our fathers than mothers.  Like George Bailey we often say what is on our hearts late in the game. "Pop, you want a shock? I think you're a great guy. Oh, did you hear that, Annie?" "I heard it.  About time one of you lunkheads said it." In the Field of Dreams what is endearing is a do over to play catch. In Frequency with Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel, father and son get to talk in time. Do overs sometimes never happen. For me I take what I have learned and move on to be a dad now. I am secretly in disguise as a grandfather. Most dads arn't Robert Young from Father Knows Best. If you can tell your pop, you want a shock...
I know Father's Day is hard as well. There could be alot of reasons, whether dad is gone or never was there it is good to know we have a father in heaven who loves us and cares. He hears us and provides. He is there and He is not silent as Francis Shaeffer wrote many years ago. Joe Stowell writes, "I find it both fascinating and instructive that when God wanted us to know what He is like, He chose to emphasize His fatherhood...According to Jesus’ prayer, we know that our Father in heaven is available and attentive to us. It is also clear that He provides for us. He forgives us and protects us from evil. If parents were less than ideal read this post by Wayne Styles
Why is it s hard to buy a father's day gift, actually it is easy - Father's day gift, take Dad on a walk and tell him, you want a socks or underwear anyday.  keep waking

Saturday, June 16, 2012

In a moment, thank God for His protection

My beautiful daughter with her kids
Today was like any normal summer day. Pretty hot outside so a walk in the twilight was in order. The breeze picked up and it look like it would be great for a two mile walk. We were delivering somethings over to Becki's place and we knew something was up.
We got a call, thank God for cell phones. Becki, Donavon and Kendall were in a car accident. Their truck was totalled. Had they gone a few more feet into the intersection there may have been some serious injury. In a moment how quickly things can happen.
You know being a grandparent is OK for day to day operations but when something happens the parent thing kicks in. Believe me, I like being a grandparent. But every one knows grandma is still a mom and grandpa is still a father. Holding our breathe Barb and I checked things out and talked it over with Becki. She once again a very strong person. I am really proud of the woman she has become. Donovan saw to his sister's safety and he impresses me when it is crunch time.
Becki and the kids give so much as part of our family. They are things money can't buy. They along with Billy's family and my sister and aunts are my retirement life. I'll travel but family for me is my Florida or Arizona. Tonight as I collect my thoughts, I am a lucky man. But maybe more than that, tonight I am thankful for God's protection and care. I know all the grand kids pick on me, even little Liam, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. Maybe a couple of beach front properties...LOL. We get tested, keep walking

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Someday is today

I had a nice view of an oriole that looked a lot like this one.
When you are walking it is often hard to photo a particular bird you see. It is impossible when you don't have your camera with you. We went for a walk about 8:00 PM and about a mile into the walk we saw a distinct colors of an oriole. Barb has see them this year but "dead eyed Reeves finally saw one last night. We followed the bird with our eyes moving in the branches until the oriole finally moved out of sight. The opportunity gave me  Chance to catch my breath and begin again our aerobic walk. The sunset was brilliant and there were places where the light highlighted some wild roses in perfect bloom. Ann Cassidy in her insightful blog, The Walker in the Suburbs writes about the little creatures we see. Walking I think you notice more.
Sometimes we get into the thought of someday. Someday I am going to live in the mountains, someday I am going to live in Florida, Some day I am going to live in the woods. The problem is we could live all of our lives in someday. What ever that some day is for you, don't forget today. One of the blessings I have found is trails ear by that I could walk that every day I can enjoy the familiar. Walkers in all shapes and sizes, trees, marshes, ponds, creeks that give a setting I am familiar with. Each day there are new things to see, flowers, animals, birds, new walkers, shapes and sizes. The way the sun filters through the grasslands or trees, shades and reflective light. and orioles usually first seen by Barb, who then tries to help "dead eye" locate the wonder of it. I tend to focus on the aerobics. Ah someday...but today can be cool too. "This is the day that the Lord had made" Keep walking

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Further thoughts on "does God give us more than we can handle?" video

Wrote a blogis based for the writing i this you like it I am im beach bum clothes so nothing but nothing but the besr
I have talked about body image and the difficulties for us we overweight to get out and move. Here is an article of a fitness company in Canada who reaches out. Fitness support I think is more of an issue as we age and carry extra weight. Walk and home fitness makes a lot of sense. But gyms I think can be very supportive as you build your own fitness program. Gyms for social support might be harder to gage?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

You bet there are times when the path is not so clear 
I was reading an article which will be posted soon at  by Angie Witman titled Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?  in Meier Newsletters in June 2012. What a great subject to think about. When I was in the hospital and I had tubes coming and going all over the place, I had my first full blown panic attack. It was soon after my guardian angel went home after a long day caring for me in a very bad day in my life. That day I was given really great care that from my point of view that saved my life. Barb thinks I was going to pull through and what I felt wasn't was going on and she is probably right. Barb was wore out and needed to go home.

She had been gone about 30 to 45 minutes when I experienced hallucinations from pain medications and I felt like I couldn’t get my breath. Forget closing my eyes the hallucinations were too real and scary for me to do that. So I called for the nurse and to my surprise the nurse was Philippine and had a hard time speaking English. Well I was tempted to call Barb an experienced intensive care nurse, but she was worn out. I have lived overseas and I have been in tight spots before, but this was different. I was different. Years ago I helped others with panic attacks, but I had no idea this is what it really felt like. I tried working through it with the nurse, but I was unsuccessful. It was a nightmare.

I was really sick, but there was nothing I could do about it. The hallucinations and panic attack I would have to endure with being very sick. I knew I would have to go through these things and prayer, medical help, support would have to wait. We go through hard times and there is no easy fix. The hallucinations stopped when I changed pain medication. I could live with the pain, but not the hallucinations. It took seven weeks to recover from the surgery not two days. The insomnia, panic attacks and depression would be cared for five years later. In my journey back to better health I have learned a lot. Walking and diet gave me back my life.

I knew God was with me that terrible night and I sensed His love, but that didn’t change that I would have to endure some pretty bad stuff. When I speak of prayer I mean there was nothing I could pray that would prevent the things I experienced. Here I am years later and the problems of that night have been cared for. The anxiety disorder runs in my family. Depression happened and I believe has a biological reason. I needed professional help like I did when a third of my colon burst.

These things scared me like I never experienced before. Bravery, courage, I have seen in others, but for me I was like the kid shell shocked and unable to move. When I watched the Band of Brothers and The Pacific, Pearl Harbor and Saving Private Ryan I saw the nightmare of war and how everybody from the one who did acts of valor and the one who froze as a way to survive the hell of war. I have seen the same thing from regular people who go through medical and emotional injuries who have experienced feelings of loss, loneliness, hurt and fear as they go through their own nightmares from trials common to us all. It is times like this I wish I was a better writer, but Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?  Yes and no, we are certainly going to go through more than I retirement picture of a couple walking along in a beach. We will certainly experience whatever will end our life on earth.

For me, I have a greater understanding of others suffering. I know we need each other to ease our trials and find hope in the land of the living. When we are in the middle of a fight for life we may feel the weight of it. We may feel we are going through it alone. But in the darkness of that hour you are not alone.  I leave you with Ps. 27: 13, 14 “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!”  Read the Psalm I think you will be encouraged.

I would love to hear what you think about Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?  These experiences can shake our very foundations. I liken it to battle experiences and each one of us it is different. Give it some thought and get back to me on it. Keep walking

Friday, June 8, 2012

Some thoughts on a bucket list

Tomorrow with Barb's brother in town we will be off to the Art Museum in Chicago. They will take their time reading every sign and I will stroll through the place finding things that interest me. They enjoy moving at a snail's pace so it is best to meet them later for lunch. I will walk any where from 10,000 steps to 14,000 steps. There is a lot there to enjoy. Sunday Barb and I will go to a Dulcimer Festival and a walk. There is a trail at he park and also the I&M Canal is near by.
I read an article about Bucket List and our denial of getting older and dying.  The author shares how a bucket list is used by people in their 20's and also dating sites. The movie was about two terminally ill men who eventually challenged each other with their bucket list to fight depression and hopelessness they found themselves in. Their bucket list included relationships to be mended. There has been articles of baby boomers who will do anything to avoid getting old. We all age, but I like "the rounding off the curve" concept.
Dr. Kenneth Cooper proposes preventive medicine designed to help us to slow down the decline of aging where through medical care, diet and exercise, non smoking, lower body fat we can expand the time where we lead active full lives before aging slows and final decline takes our lives. Sedimentary living and unhealthy lifestyle can limit our activity and age us quicker where we need more assisted living. Two books that give the science of the "rounding off the curve" are Regaining the Power of Youth at any Age and Start Strong, Finish Strong which can be ordered at Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen talks of preventative medicine and lifestyle issues as well and has lots of interesting articles and videos at .
If anybody should have bead knees it is me. I have fallen so many times and cracked my knee cap that my good friend arthritis has visited. Since I have been walking knee pain has all but disappeared.  I chose sedimentary living I know the pain would hae increased. In my shoulders and neck therapy and band exercises help control inflammation there. I know we are all different but moving helps.
I recall in the Screw Tape Letters by C.S. Lewis how activities could prevent people from considering eternity. A bucket list doesn't have to be about jumping out of a plane, it could include unfinished business like Jack Nicholson's character making amends with a daughter. I think it is possible when we get older to plan to have a few adventures while we can. A big part of my walking is to be able to move around and live. Setting new goals about work and helping others for awhile is good. Work that you enjoy can be art of a retirement plan. A trip to the UK, visits to part of the States I haven't been, new dishes to cook and grill, continue to live and be involved. I think it ii a good thing not to be laid aside and forgotten. The alternative may be loneliness and despair.
Will we age? Yes Will we slow down? Yes but not too soon. I think reassessing things when you are older is good. If there is something you want to do, do it while you can. Walking and exercise and a good diet will give you more time to live. Figuring out spiritual values and eternity is something that is important at any age. The bucket list won't ignore
Speaking of buckets, Scott wrote about the "bucket test" on his blog,  You take a bucket of your choice and put your finger in the bucket and when you take your finger out and there is a hole there than you can't be replaced. But if there is a no hole there than you can be replaced.
I think a bucket list can be a positive thing. It is particularly good if it is suited for you and your list. Things you enjoy and care about, include in your list your spiritual quest and what is important to you in your relationships. What's on you bucket list?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sensational titles and health

I with you guys
Several times a week I read news related to walking, health etc. Today I looked at titles and thought I post a few. Every body including me tries to come up with a title that sparks interest. But in blogging I have to write a title that really is about what I am writing about. Some of the titles below had a shock value, some were right on, and one just hit me as funny.  When it comes to walking doing it is what is important and hopefully what we read or look at encourages us to do so. Here are the titles.

Let go of the water bottle. You're plenty hydrated, people

Black girls don't benefit as much from exercise

Is 'old people smell' real? Yes,

Moderation as the Sweet Spot for Exercise

Low-Fiber Diet May Raise Teens' Risk for Heart Disease, Diabetes

Get a Bikini Body that Rocks

Just for fun today I checked out some of the headlines under health. I suspected before I looked what I may find. Sometimes the title doesn’t really say what the article is about.

For example the title, “Black girls don't benefit as much from exercise”, doesn’t say black girls don’t need exercise, there are other factors to be considered. When I first saw the title flags went up about racism. The article wasn’t but the sensation was to get me to look.

The one on “Let go of the water bottle. You're plenty hydrated, people” tells us we get water through what we eat and other beverages. It may be off by basing their argument on a study back in the 40’s. There have been a lot of studies on hydration and lifestyle and exercise since the 40’s. I have read hydration is as individual as each one of us. How active we are? How much do we weigh? Water will always be good for the body. 

Moderation as the Sweet Spot for Exercise” talks about running and what is best to prevent sudden death. It talks about running 20 or more miles a week. Can people over do it?

Get a Bikini Body that Rocks” there are a lot of headlines like this. It always starts with a photo of a beautiful girl young enough not to need exercise to wear one.

We have all seen articles that seem to contradict one another. Many articles headlines have a way of supporting thinking “I don’t need to make changes or get off the couch.” Make sure you read the article because if it is any good it will be better than its title. Many times the article really doesn’t say anything. If you read 10 articles that tell you to eat your veggies and back it up with good support and you read an article that says the opposite consider the source.

The funniest title for me was “Is 'old people smell' real? Yes”. I am afraid of this one. I mean I work with kids and I don’t want to smell in a classroom. Should I really give up Aqua Velvet or Old Spice? Remember grandma smelling like lilac water or Channel #5. Or worse body odor by us old guys covered with Dapper Dan. “Say it ain’t so Joe.” I read the article and found out people really can tell the age of people by the smell of their clothes. Definitely I will need to do a study to refute it. LOL

 With exercise and healthy eating we need to learn new habits or support the good habits we have. Walking and healthy eating are two weapons we can use to round off the curve and live better longer. We may look better, but we will feel better. In the bigger issues of heart disease, cancer and diabetes we want to do things that help us fight these diseases for a longer fuller life. Fitness for younger men and women may concern themselves with a fit body that looks good. To some degree I think that motivation may help us who are older. I think we want to look better and have more zest as well. But don’t look for me in my speedos. Keep walking

Monday, June 4, 2012

Summertime a great time to walk and lose weight

Walking the Old Oak Trail
Light filtering down
When you look at images of the net of walkers they are fit and light. But here I am. I am a month back into mindful eating. For me controlling my eating particularly at night is key. Putting weight back on is easy. Taking it off and the real mystery of keeping it off is alot harder. We have all seen pictures of people who have lost weight, but many of them regain it. At that point motivation can be a little shaken. The story gets a little old. I have learned a couple of things that may help.
We are healthier when we walk. No matter our size walking helps. We are healthier with some type of weight resistant plan. Muscle helps us moving and keep active. As we age we lose muscle, but weight strengthening can keep muscle on our bodies. Being skinny as we age may lead to weak bones and muscle loss.  We are healthier when we stretch our bodies. Muscle and moving burns calories and that burns fat. So moving is something we can do. (Always check with your doctor starting a exercise program)
I know for me walking gets me back into the swing of things. For a little over a month now I have been eating less. I have lost eight pounds. This weight loss is the easiest and actually the best for my health. Losing weight where you and I will see it will take a couple months. Becoming one of those thin walkers I am not so sure. Keeping the weight off I am going to have to learn to eat less and be more aware of this process.
Believe me barb keeps me in the game
Aging health becomes more of a priority. I know we have to spend more time at it. Some may argue  these things can be over done. So it is important for me to be clear what I am talking about. There are people who still play some type of competitive sport. As you age to do this you have to put in time to train. Cooper Aerobics can be of a real help here. For me moving to health involves some kind of movement an hour a day. Most encourage people to walk an half an our a day with other steps and work being an hour of a day. Shopping, house work, yard work, hobbies, parking further away to walk, helping others, workouts, are all part of living. Doing things with the grand kids, swimming, biking, working in a shop. For me I am still working and that means 5000 to 7000 steps. As we get older we can't watch to much TV, sit for hours, be on the computer hour after hour. I enjoy TV and computers but I have move.
Now I can move on to how I eat. An 1/2 hour walk will burn some calories, but weight loss for most of us will happen when we eat healthy and eat less than we use. Without the chronic ankle pain I have had more focus on what I am eating. So I hope in a little while you will see my progress. Keep walking.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

walking the Old Oak Trail, learning from being sick

Walking the Tail of the Old Oaks in McKinley Woods
It must have just rained on the trail before we got there. We decided to walk a trail away from the I&M Canal Bike Trail in McKinley Woods. The trail was over a mile loop that we circled twice. The second time around we found a part belonging to my tripod. Thank You Lord. The trail was packed earth and easy on the feet. Liam's stroller worked nice on the trail. Tanya had  mosquito net that went over the carriage that protected him nicely. The shade was nice and the woodland was a nice change.
The elevated foot from the brace I am finding it easier to navigate over roots. I don't mind telling you as I write I am in no ankle pain.
We had the trail to ourselves. It would be a good trail to lap on for jogging or walking.
Bells tat caught my eye
Wayne Styles in his excellent blog talked of his experience of getting sick last week. He says of himself, "I never get sick."
Four things he learned:
Sometimes we get a chronic or even a terminal illness. Today we have alot of support for such things. Being sick for a long term brings us the topic of suffering. In some experiences there are relapses and old struggles rear up again. I have made a recovery from anxiety where I can sleep again. Will I face it again? We go through things that are hard. The Apostle Paul faced heath concerns as he got older. His problems did not go away.  In 2 Corinthians 12 Paul had extraordinary experiences and revelations where he could if he chose could boast about. But he had an some kind issue that he prayed three times and it wasn't removed. Some have guessed glaucoma. Having several eye diseases I know how precious eye sight is. Paul shared how God gave him grace and through his weakness God would show His strength.
Having Cerebral Palsy, eye problems, high blood pressure, and getting older I am aware we have problems that don't go way.
Tanya and Barb making adjustments about the mosquitoes.
We learn from problems and our times we are sick. Our life is short even if we live to 90. We need to trust God who gives eternal life. Louis Sperry Chafer teaching the last year or two before he went to be with the Lord talked about his battle with cancer and pain. He didn't want people to take his pain pills away. During this time he published his eight volume set on theology. God works through us at our weakest moments. The blessing of walking, of reading the Bible and good books, friend and family, good food, and meeting with God in our darkest times all play a part in making sense of our hardest days. Grateful we have medical care as well. But even hat is limited. Wayne got sick last week and recovered. Isn't it great when we do recover and get better. You betsha! The truth is there will be a time when we won't recover. When all goes wrong and we pass, at that time God has our back, all we need to do is trust in Jesus as our Savior. Keep walking

Friday, June 1, 2012

Thanks for sharing your walks

A walk on a beach
This walking thing is a shared experience. The nice thing about face book and the blog is it brings us closer together. Sharing pictures and experiences are pretty cool. I like the family pictures and adventures we take. Deb and Donna walking along the beaches, Nancy and Fred with their many outings, Frank and Cheri kayaking down some cool rivers are just the few of you enjoying your lives. Some of you walking have given me ideas I can add to my own walk. Scott wants to enter 100 walking races to retirement. Maybe I can walk in so many places.
This summer I will add my recumbent to some of my travels. Barb's cousin Suzy and her husband Rick have done many trails biking. Chuck and me will continue our trek along the I & M Canal.
Dave and I played intermeral
basketball at GRSBM now we are
chefs extradinare!
How and where are you walking? Send me stories and pictures I can share. There are some of you walking in other countries outside the US. I would love to hear from you. It is to bad that only the rich could do this but wouldn't it be great to walk in 100 countries as a "before I die wish". I always wanted to return to the UK to walk from one village to the next and refresh myself at a local pub. I have walked in London, Africa, Israel, the Caribbean and in most the states of the US. Walking on cruise ships too is pretty cool. Walking gives you feel for the place. From what I see where ever you call home their are places to walk and enjoy. So if you can share your pictures and story.
Walking on this planet, we were made to do it. Tomorrow Barb and I will walk a new trail to be decided. Later this week Frisbee golf with the grand kids is up. This stuff we can do for a long time. Three 10 minute walks, two 15 minute walks or a 20 to 30 minute walk does the body good.
Chek out this article on woman's health -  Keep walking