Thursday, November 5, 2020

Actually call, Come on millennials get real - Call, actually write a letter.

 As we approach the holidays how can we embrace our traditions this year with Covid?

Since COVID-19 is quite contagious we will have to embrace health and safety for our loved ones.

This season we may see more celebrations done with smaller familiar settings. Parents with their children, older grandparents with one another.

How do we reach out to those in our family that may be alone? Are those people virus-free? Are they fragile in their health? How can you reach out to them?

  • Telephone, video calls
  • Prepare and deliver meals
  • Visits through glass doors
  • Write mail letters

We have many challenges. I think them through and try to solve the problems.

We may have to have several smaller family gatherings at various times. I'm gonna throw this out there, don't text - call, If you can use video calls.  Make it as personal as possible.

Write a Letter of Thanks 

 I would say that we are out of the practice of writing personal letters. I know we need to learn to reuse our phones and actually call people. Texting has its limitations in a sense of commitment where we tell people we don't have the time to commit to a phone call.

If you use electronic mailing or messaging there is a voice connection. But in the message cursive writing may convey a personal touch. People may have to decode it for its no longer used a lot. But it may in a personal way to the communication of loving thanks. If you do not write cursive write the letter out using a font on your word processor. Sign your own signature.

Using actual mail with letter and stamp I think would be really special. Writing to loved ones may become a keepsake for many years. Letters are often kept. By them you can record your loved things for people that you care about. At this time the letter itself may be a special encouragement.


  • Keep the letter brief enough to stay on point. Most of us if we write too long it may not be as good.
  • It is a good idea to write 3 to 5 things you are thankful for that person.
  • Thankfulness can also express appreciation or love.
  • Express the hope that COVID-19 will be overcome and your desire to see your loved ones remain a top priority.

I hope these thoughts stimulate your own creative juices to express things and love during the holiday season. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day, Family gatherings are what we want to return to. Human isolation is not the new norm.

In the Lamb

Bill Reeves Jr.

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