Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter is worth finding out what it means

Happy Easter
Maybe you have an Easter basket hunt or search for eggs or candy? Maybe you don't really know what Easter is all about? It is worth finding out. Let me show you...
Many people do not know what Easter is about. This is particularly true with younger people. It is also easy for many people to fuzzy about Easter. A key holiday in our culture has been removed from public knowledge. Our cultural silence has had an effect. We don’t talk about it, we rename it; by doing so, very important information and why it is significant to each of us. 
Easter concerns the death, burial and ressurection of Jesus Christ. Why these historical events matter to us you are going to have to do a little reading and possibly listening to and explanation of Good Friday and Easter.
If you don’t know about Easter, I am not going to tell you right here. Rather I want to challenge you to find out for yourself. Here are some ideas how to do that?

  1. In the Bible there are 66 books. The Old Testament and the New Testament. In the New Testament there are four books in the beginning called the gospels. Read one of the four. I don’t care which one. You will have to invest about one hour to read a gospel. Each of them will tell you about the life and works of Jesus Christ. They all will end telling your about the the death, burial and ressurection of Jesus. Since most I know have never done this you will discover things most people don’t know.
  2. Gospel means “good news”. The bottom line on the bad news is everybody dies. How does God work to help us through death to eternal life in heaven? Again I am not going to tell you here. if you want to know you are going to have to do a little reading. So once again I want to return you to the New testament. Look at the table of contents. You will find the book “Romans”. Look up the page number. To get a good idea of how God helps you have eternal life read the first 8 chapters. It will take you about an half an hour. 
  3. By now, you have valuable information. You may have questions or maybe you have figured it out. It is a big world out there so let me share will you some resourses that can help you put it together.
    1. The following link comes from Our Daily Bread. It is a good site with great resourses. One booklet I recondmend is -
    2. There 60,000 people who go to everyday. here are some articles on Easter -
    3. I often listen or watch church services from Moody Church in Chicago. Like any preacher you may or not agree but Dr. Lutzer is very clear and helpful. Here is a radio broadcast on Easter.
By now you have a better idea of Easter and what it means for you. If you have questions or concerns now I would like to hear from you. Keep walking 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Reading the Bible carefully

Proverbs 2:4-5 "if you seek it like silver and search for it like hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God."
A lot of people in thinker confused about the Bible and God. The Bible is the word of God in which God reveals himself. 
In the Bible contains thoughts about people their actions and words which may be contrary to God. There is a lot to learn about people from the wrong they do; where we can learn from their mistakes as well as their honest the steps of faith.
"Now these things became examples for us, so that we will not desire evil things as they did." I Cor. 10:6
The Bible contains both good and bad examples to learn from. The principles and applications we understand from careful regular reading and studying. Truth in the Bible has to be revealed to each and every one of us.
We may clearly read it but it is revealed truth from God and spiritual. By that I don't mean otherworldly but I do mean that which is important and central.
Where it is history read it like history. Where it is poetry look for the parallelism, repeated or contrast thought. These build on each other. Where it is prophecy understand the language is trying to help you see what the prophet sees. There is an interpretation for the reader of the prophet's time and also in the future. A lot of prophecy has already been fulfilled. We can learn a lot about how it was fulfilled in the past to help us with what is yet to be fulfilled. One thing I do know about my understanding of prophecy it will come about whether I understand it or not. The purpose of prophecy is to motivate you and I to live for God in the present time.
When it comes to the Gospels each one has its own purpose. Each one has its own theme. The differences I have found have been complementary rather and contradictory. But each one can be read and understood.
Each of the letters are their own style and content. Some of the letters like Ephesians and Colossians are very similar. They are very theologically orientated and have reasoned arguments they can be understood.
Revelation has its own structure and it can be understood as such.
Take your time in reading through each book will open up the pages to you in ways you thought not possible. Keep in mind bible is a book concerning belief and faith or unbelief-doubt and darkness which can hide its meaning. Keep walking

Friday, March 18, 2016

Our home adds to the quality of life.

In 2003 Diane Lane stared in a movie called Under the Tuscan Sun. As she rebuilds her life as she remodels a home in an ideal location. The movie takes on interest with many offbeat characters. Personally, I think we are all off beat and that is the fun of it.
Barb and I made our home in a house built in the early 1880's. It was one of three homes a father built for his daughters. My kitchen and two rooms added upstairs came later. The original toilet was out back. The water was a pump in the back yard. A fire stove was between our dining room and front room. There was a front porch and cellar. Later dormers were added, a kitchen and bathroom. Indoor plumbing we take it for granted. 
How many people added to the original home? We each leave a trace of ourselves. Maybe others will improve the home for themselves in the future. 
We bought the home in 1989. Friends from Michigan came and sided the home. My dad and I took on many projects and now Barb and I are managing some of the remaining touches we wanted to do. New windows, new design, rip up carpet and discover wood floors. We have one or two projects to go just to improve our living. I definitely think it is all part of better state of health.
New ideas with old, it's a mystery. 
I think of all the characters who helped us. Grandkids, kids, friends, people looking for work, our dads both of them were great. A home that is similar to homes of my grandparents in the depression, yet improvements in energy and design. Big enough when I need it and small enough to live. 
Feeling good in a home is there a price tag? I don't have rolling hills or seaside, but today was a good day. Keep walking