Saturday, July 31, 2021

Ps. 91 Dealing with the Mountain of Danger

The Dangers of old and today can come upon us without warning. The way Psalms 91 addresses this problem is uncanny. Follow the study as we over come the mountain of danger. Pt. 1

Friday, July 16, 2021

Zeph 3 1 6 pt 1 SD 480p

Part 1 of this study. I hope this study helps see the dark side of idolatry and a picture of leaders who oppressed for their own benefit and power. Zephaniah gives us a snapshot of a very dark period leading to the Babylon captivity.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Zephaniah 3 1 6 part 2 We can learn from our failures SD 480p

In Zephaniah we find the old story of politics wherever it occurs taking advantage of the poor people they are supposed to serve. God would have us learn a different path. What we learn here is very practical.

The Fear of Falling


I recently fell at night, driving my elbow into my ribs. I had bruise ribs playing football in high school. This injury felt a little different. The next day is going to be a zoo day with the grandkids. I decided to bugger on. With my scooter, I zoomed around with the kids enjoying myself, but it was painful to breathe. Without the scooter, I would not have managed. That night with the family, I found refuge in my recliner. Very painful to get air and sleep, but I was tired, and rest came. The next day I was doing very gentle activities; everything was more painful. It was a good visit, but when they left, I asked my wife about what to do about my injury and when to go see the doctor. 

The following day We made appointments, and I began to research how do they treat rib fractures? The information was good advice where I quit regular actives and positioned myself in positions less painful. Each day I felt better; rest helped. Tomorrow off the doctor and follow recommendations. I have some idea of recovery, maybe six weeks or longer if complications. I will let you know what we finally discover and the things I am learning.

And that is just it falls affects us all. Falling is the number one cause of injuries in people over 65. I looked at my damage on WebMD and Health-line and got information for me to proceed. I knew I would have to be seen by a doctor. Tonight I visited the CDC website and National Aging site on falling. #1 how do we prevent falls as we age. As we age, it hard to look at the things that hurt us as we get older. 

At 63, 25% of us are clinically depressed. Why is getting a mental checkup so scary? When I went into Linden Oaks at 58 years old, about half the unit was there for the same thing I was. But the other half were there for onset dementia or assessment of more advanced cases of dementia. I had worked in Mental health, so I was familiar with the cliental. Yet it was so different for now I was in their ranks. 

Therapy was encouraging, and treatment for my insomnia very helpful. At first, not seeing younger people with their problems made me more acute  I was older. But then I got to think how awful it would be if I surrounded by teenagers and their problems.  I realize I did not need that problem. I was encouraged that my roommate had dementia, and he was so active in the daytime that he slept like a baby at night. They asked me if I wanted someone from the group to be a roommate? My response was an immediate no. I'm comfortable with Ray. It would not be good if I had somebody who had problems sleeping and anxiety all night. 

At 65, all of us begin with the problem of falls; of course, many of you will not experience falls until later. But why you still have your marbles? It is a good idea to get information about keeping your home safe from falls. Who to go to when problems start. What should you ask your doctor or healthcare provider about when you see them. Understand the questions that your doctor may be asking you as you get older. The fear of falling will become more natural to you, so I think it is essential to know your enemy (falling) so that you can develop a strategy to keep you safer and independent longer. 

Years ago, FDR facing the Depression, said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Fear of what ____________.  I often have learned to overcome the problem I face with good information, familiar or friendly support, people who can help, prayer. One thing I know you are never the only one who is facing what you may fear. 

I hope you have never really fallen. You may never face that problem. I can't tell you how many co-workers would watch my scissor gate, maybe walking too fast, or my weaker leg was shuffling for a crack to trip over. With me acting like TR, "charge ." I received many warnings. I became very good with my falls. Now I am not so brave. I pay attention more, but I still live in a world of the next step to betray me. I will change my strategies and exercise, but I desire to know more to face my fears. Right now, recover. 

Learn about falling and aging, your living space, and your health. Keep walking


Friday, July 2, 2021

Zeph 2 8 12 pt 1 SD 480p

WE often think dooms day messages find themselves on the edge luny toons, certainly no one knows whenever the end will happen. Yet accountability for our life or accountability of nations will face God's judgement. Nobody is above it. We can learn from God's judgements in the past such as we have here in the snapshot Zephaniah gives us. Years later from Zephaniah  the Messiah tells us we will worship in spirit and truth, John 4. 

Zeph 2 8 12 a prophet's reminder all are accountable, even big shots

It was fun working in the studio with this one. Part 1 of two of this study gives a glimpse of the prophecies concerning Judah's neighbors in the judgement of idolatry and violence that filled the land. We can learn of our need of accountability and keep the Lord and His ways before and learn from their example.