In today's Wall Street Journal there's an article titled Are There Health Benefits to Being Overweight? What I like about the article is that they have two experts who argue both sides of the question.
A few things I took away from the article for longevity you are better to be at a healthy weight that is fit. You can have serious problems if you're a slightly overweight and not fit. You can also be at the right weight and if you are not fit have problems. Being physically active helps you no matter what your weight is. If you are heavy you can be fit, but there are problems with the weight. If you are moving and active you can help your health.
If you are obese and take the weight off there can be big benefits. There is hope not to give up on being fit and being at a better weight.
I have always felt as you get older weight brings more problems. I also think it is very hard to lose weight and over time successful weight loss it's hard to maintain. Check out the arguments and the science of it. And keep walking